
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Revision as of 21:51, 13 March 2025 by Sundark (talk | contribs) (→‎Hunting)
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Location: Seabed

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
596 39 40 Sword icon.png FoieBarta


Morfos are subject to a bug in their AI behavior that makes them unable to fire if they are off-screen for the player. This can be exploited by positioning the camera to place the Morfos off-screen (by either facing the Morfos, turning backward, and using the camera lock button, or by using analog camera control) to make them stop firing, allowing the player to attack the Morfos without issue, or to ignore it and focus on other monsters in the room.

Note that this only applies to an individual player (the Morfos may still fire at another player in the room), and being too close to the Morfos will still leave the character open to its melee attack.


The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy:

Category Quest Details Count
Quest category icon.pngHalloween Quest icon.pngHollow Phantasm: Seabed Clear quest 14
Quest category icon.pngExtermination Quest icon.pngSweep-up Operation 8 Clear quest 16
Quest category icon.pngEvent Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Seabed Clear quest 12
Quest category icon.pngExtermination Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World 3 Box run 3
Above, plus next two rooms 5
Above, plus west hallway 7
Clear Seabed Upper Levels 23
Clear quest 47
Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge 5 Clear Seabed Upper Levels 20
Clear quest 44
Quest category icon.pngRetrieval Quest icon.pngDolmolm Research Clear Seabed 19
Quest category icon.pngSolo Only Quest icon.pngKnight of Coral Advent Clear Seabed 13
Quest category icon.pngMaximum Attack Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2B- Clear Seabed 38

Rare Drops

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Sol Atomizer Trimate Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer
1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44
Meteor Smash Wals-MK2 Last Survivor Vjaya H&S25 Justice Ice Staff: Dagon Diska of Liberator Bloody Art Last Survivor Diska of Liberator
1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160
Very Hard
Revival Garment Bloody Art Last Survivor God/Battle Stink Frame Spirit Garment Stink Frame Fire Scepter: Agni Stink Frame Stink Frame
1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160
Yunchang Lavis Cannon Twin Blaze Yunchang Tripolic Shield Tripolic Shield Yunchang Standstill Shield Yasminkov 7000V Sting Tip
1/788 1/25206 1/788 1/788 1/2560 1/2560 1/788 1/2560 1/788 1/213