
From Ephinea PSO Wiki

Disk icon.png Techniques are magic-based attacks that can only be used by humans and newmans.

Unlike normal attacks, they are based off the MST stat, and are checked against the target's resistances, rather than their DFP.

Techniques cannot miss (with the exception of Megid which has a trigger chance), but they also cannot deal critical hits.

List of Techniques

Simple Techniques


Foie.png Foie fires a single fireball in a straight line.


Zonde.png Zonde attacks a single enemy with a thunderbolt.


Barta.png Barta fires a trail of ice amongst the floor that travels in a straight line, piercing enemies.

Normal Techniques


Gifoie.png Gifoie casts a ring of fireballs that circle around a point for a set time.


Gizonde.png Gizonde fires a bolt that travels from enemy to enemy in front of the user.


Gibarta.png Gibarta fires an ice cone in front of the user.

Hard Techniques


Rafoie.png Rafoie casts an explosion on an enemy that affects enemies in around it within a certain range.


Razonde.png Razonde casts a 360 degree thunderbolt around the user.


Rabarta.png Rabarta fires ice shards in a 360 degree attack around the user.


Grants.png Grants casts a very powerful single-target light beam on an enemy.


Megid.png Megid fires a purple projectile that has a chance to kill enemies in one hit.

Healing Techniques


Resta.png Heals the user. From level 3 onwards, can also heal other players. All Resta has the same range.


Anti.png Cures the user of certain status ailments depending on level. From level 2 onwards, can also cure other players.


Reverser.png Revives a dead player.

Support Techniques


Shifta.png Improves the ATP of the user. From level 3 onwards, can also affect other players.


Deband.png Improves the DFP of the user. From level 3 onwards, can also affect other players.


Jellen.png Reduces the ATP of the target.


Zalure.png Reduces the DFP of the target.


Ryuker.png Casts a telepipe.

Detailed Tech Base Values

Base Values Table

Tech Base Power (1-15)* Base Power (16-30)* Power Growth (2-15)* Power Growth (16-30)* Maximum Targets
Foie 110 -85 50 65 1
Gifoie 260 30 26 42 10
Rafoie 350 370 22 21 10
Barta 50 -125 50 63 1
Gibarta 230 0 24 40 10
Rabarta 400 470 19 15 10
Zonde 80 5 50 55 1
Gizonde 200 -30 22 38 10
Razonde 450 550 16 9 10
Grants 1180 1400 75 60 1
Megid 27 42 3 2 1
Resta 50 -20 5 10 10

Technique levels past 15 use a different set of base power and power scaling values.

From these values we can derive the growth in Tech power per tech level using this formula:

  • Tech Base Power + (Tech Growth * Tech Level-1)

Tech Scaling Table

Tech Level Foie Gifoie Rafoie Barta Gibarta Rabarta Zonde Gizonde Razonde Grants Megid Resta
1 110 260 350 50 230 400 80 200 450 1180 27 50
2 160 286 372 100 254 419 130 222 466 1255 30 55
3 210 312 394 150 278 438 180 244 482 1330 33 60
4 260 338 416 200 302 457 230 266 498 1405 36 65
5 310 364 438 250 326 476 280 288 514 1480 39 70
6 360 390 460 300 350 495 330 310 530 1555 42 75
7 410 416 482 350 374 514 380 332 546 1630 45 80
8 460 442 504 400 398 533 430 354 562 1705 48 85
9 510 468 526 450 422 552 480 376 578 1780 51 90
10 560 494 548 500 446 571 530 398 594 1855 54 95
11 610 520 570 550 470 590 580 420 610 1930 57 100
12 660 546 592 600 494 609 630 442 626 2005 60 105
13 710 572 614 650 518 628 680 464 642 2080 63 110
14 760 598 636 700 542 647 730 486 658 2155 66 115
15 810 624 658 750 566 666 780 508 674 2230 69 120
16 890 660 685 820 600 695 830 540 685 2300 72 130
17 955 702 706 883 640 710 885 578 694 2360 74 140
18 1020 744 727 946 680 725 940 616 703 2420 76 150
19 1085 786 748 1009 720 740 995 654 712 2480 78 160
20 1150 828 769 1072 760 755 1050 692 721 2540 80 170
21 1215 870 790 1135 800 770 1105 730 730 2600 82 180
22 1280 912 811 1198 840 785 1160 768 739 2660 84 190
23 1345 954 832 1261 880 800 1215 806 748 2720 86 200
24 1410 996 853 1324 920 815 1270 844 757 2780 88 210
25 1475 1038 874 1387 960 830 1325 882 766 2840 90 220
26 1540 1080 895 1450 1000 845 1380 920 775 2900 92 230
27 1605 1122 916 1513 1040 860 1435 958 784 2960 94 240
28 1670 1164 937 1576 1080 875 1490 996 793 3020 96 250
29 1735 1206 958 1639 1120 890 1545 1034 802 3080 98 260
30 1800 1248 979 1702 1160 905 1600 1072 811 3140 100 270

Technical Data

Damage Formula

For Techniques that deal damage, you can find that damage using this formula

  • Damage = round(((TechPower + MST) * 0.2 * (1 + Boosts) * (100 - Resistance) / 100), 1) = round(((TechPower + MST) * (100 - Resistance) * (1 + Boosts) * 0.002), 1)

Healing Formula

To find the amount Resta can heal, use this formula

  • HP Restored = 50 + 5*(Tech Level - 1) + (MST/2)


Megid is unique in that while it has a base power and power scaling like other offensive techs it cannot deal damage.

Instead its power represents its percentage chance to instantly kill the target. This chance is reduced directly by an enemy's EDK (Dark) Resistance.

  • For example, a level 30 Megid has a Tech Power of 100, which gives it a base 100% chance to kill its target instantly. If you were to hit an enemy with 80EDK this chance would be reduced to 20%.

Casting Animation

The technique casting animation is made up of several parts:

  1. Movement from neutral to charge
  2. The actual charge (instant for many)
  3. The movement from charge to cast
  4. The "cooling" period after casting (notably the least for gizonde, and the most for gifoie)
  5. Moving back to neutral

V801 reduces the time taken by parts 2 and 3. Male barehanded casting only decreases part 3, and by 4 frames, regardless of technique level or type.