6-5:Test/Spaceship 5

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Revision as of 18:00, 7 February 2024 by Sundark (talk | contribs)
Quest icon.png6-5:Test/Spaceship 5
Episode 2
Category: Quest category icon.pngGovernment
Client: Lab
Info: What is the Lab's top- secret request?
Author: Sonic Team
Languages: English, Japanese
Government Quests:
Current: Quest icon.png6-5:Test/Spaceship 5
Total XP

4626 20623 44019 124450

Are you fit to carry out the tasks we'll ask of you? We'd like to find out.
- Quest description


Class Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Hunter Gun icon.pngRailgun +15 Gun icon.pngRaygun +15 Gun icon.pngBravace +15 Sword icon.pngVjaya (40 Hit)
Ranger Gun icon.pngRailgun +15 Gun icon.pngRaygun +15 Gun icon.pngBravace +15 Gun icon.pngMeteor Smash (40 Hit)
Force Disk icon.pngBarta LV10 Disk icon.pngGibarta LV15 Disk icon.pngRabarta LV18 Sword icon.pngBrave Hammer (40 Hit)

Enemy Counts

Enemy Count
Gol Dragon 1