To The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-

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Revision as of 16:11, 25 October 2024 by Ibums (talk | contribs) (Added extra context to explain how the prize table functions.)
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Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
Episode 2
Category: Quest category icon.pngShop
Info: What fate awaits the Hunters who fight for Ragol's survival!?
Author: Sonic Team
Languages: English, Japanese
Total XP

0 0 0 0

We've prepared supply goods for you Hunters. Please take advantage! 80 million defeated!
- Quest description

Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue- is a quest located in Episode 2, under the Shop category. In this quest, players may spend MA4 Tickets at the terminal in Seabed to obtain various prizes. Each usage of the roulette terminal costs five MA4 Tickets, and prizes are determined randomly.

Prize List

Grand prizes are awarded in the order shown in the table below. Upon rolling the grand prize for the first time and obtaining the Frame icon.pngSamurai Armor, an alternate prize table is used. Upon rolling the grand prize for the second time and obtaining Sword icon.pngGirasole, the original drop table is restored for all subsequent rolls.

If no grand prizes have been obtained, or Sword icon.pngGirasole has already been obtained, this prize table is used:

Chance Prize Item received
47% 5th Tool icon.pngMonogrinder (50%)
Tool icon.pngDigrinder (25%)
Tool icon.pngTrigrinder (25%)
24% 4th Tool icon.pngPower Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngDef Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngMind Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngEvade Material (25%)
11% 3rd Tool icon.pngHP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngTP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngLuck Material (33%)
11% 2nd Meseta icon.png200,000 Meseta
7% Grand Frame icon.pngSamurai Armor (Once)
Unit icon.pngFriend Ring (Once)
Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal (Once)
Tool icon.pngPhoton Drop

After Frame icon.pngSamurai Armor has been obtained and until Sword icon.pngGirasole is obtained, the following alternate prize table is used:

Chance Prize Item received
60% 5th Tool icon.pngMonogrinder (50%)
Tool icon.pngDigrinder (25%)
Tool icon.pngTrigrinder (25%)
20% 4th Tool icon.pngPower Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngDef Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngMind Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngEvade Material (25%)
10% 3rd Tool icon.pngHP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngTP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngLuck Material (33%)
7% 2nd Meseta icon.png200,000 Meseta
3% Grand Sword icon.pngGirasole (Once)