Branch of Pakupaku

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Revision as of 21:55, 10 December 2024 by Sundark (talk | contribs)
Cane icon.pngBranch of Pakupaku
Branch of Pakupaku
A branch that gives off a fragrance that puts Chao into a trance.
Star normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar rare.png
600 MST
Max Grind
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl
H. Dist
14 (
H. Angle
26° (
V. Dist
V. Angle
26° (

Cane icon.pngBranch of Pakupaku is a rare rod. It can be turned into the rare rod Cane icon.pngStriker of Chao in two different ways.

Striker of Chao

Quest reward

Branch of Pakupaku may be turned into Striker of Chao by initiating the quest Quest icon.pngTowards the Future with a Branch of Pakupaku in the inventory and performing the following steps:

  • Transport to Forest through the main teleporter to begin the quest
  • Immediately return to Pioneer 2 using the teleporter behind the Forest 2 starting location
  • Proceed into the Medical Center and enter a sparkling warp in the far left corner, which will take you to the waterfall room of Ruins 1
  • Stand directly under the waterfall and wait until dialogue boxes occur
  • Continue waiting under the waterfall, without moving, and proceed through all dialogue boxes until you receive a message saying Striker of Chao has been placed in your inventory

A Striker of Chao created with this method will not have the attributes of the Branch of Pakupaku transferred over to it.


Equipping a Branch of Pakupaku while a Mag icon.pngChao mag is in your inventory will enable the "Use" option on the Chao mag. Using the Chao from from the inventory will consume the Branch of Pakupaku and the Chao mag and create a Striker of Chao.

This combination must be performed by a Force with 690+ MST.

A Striker of Chao created with this method will have the attributes of the Branch of Pakupaku transferred over to it.


Enemy Drops

Section ID Difficulty Enemy Drop Rate
Bluefull Hard Al Rappy (Rare) 7/8
Very Hard Gigobooma 1/366
Ultimate Govulmer 1/900
Purplenum Hard Pouilly Slime (Rare) 7/8
Very Hard Gigobooma 1/183
Ultimate Melqueek 1/2101
Pinkal Hard Al Rappy (Rare) 7/8
Very Hard Gobooma 1/337
Ultimate Melqueek 1/2101
Yellowboze Hard Chaos Bringer 1/75.3
Very Hard Al Rappy (Rare) 7/8
Ultimate Govulmer 1/900

Wandering Tekker

Main article: Coren
Day Meseta Rate
Thursday 10,000 1/1141.67
100,000 1/761.11