Grass Assassin

From Ephinea PSO Wiki

Grass Assassin (E1)
グラスアサッシン (E1)
Grass Assassin (E1).png
Location: Cave 1, Cave 2

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
245 20 50 Sword icon.png Foie

Grass Assassin (E2)
グラスアサッシン (E2)
Grass Assassin (E2).png
Location: VR Temple

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
210 15 40 Sword icon.png FoieZonde


When a Grass Assassin detects a nearby target, it will start moving toward it. At mid-range, it will start to spit webbing at the player character.

  • In Normal, Hard, and Very Hard this will immobilize the character after a few seconds, but the target can still attack and use items and techniques.
  • In Ultimate mode, this will Freeze.pngFreeze the character after a few seconds.

In melee, they will either spit webbing at the player or attack with their long forelegs. After taking some damage, they will roar, then charge at the player. They are invulnerable while roaring, but not while charging. Any player hit by the charge will be knocked down. Once they start using their charge attack, they will do it on repeat until they are killed, without using their other attacks again.


Episode 1

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 1:

Episode 2

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 2:

Rare Drops

Episode 1

Episode 2

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Sol Atomizer Light Relief Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Sol Atomizer Light Relief Light Relief Light Relief Light Relief Sol Atomizer
1/4.44 1/9102 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/4.44 1/9102 1/9102 1/9102 1/9102 1/4.44
Crush Bullet Blade Dance Visk-235W Battle Verge Blade Dance Brionac Crush Bullet Flowen's Sword Blade Dance M&A60 Vise
1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160
Very Hard
Victor Axe Light Relief Last Survivor Stag Cutlery Twin Psychogun Light Relief Light Relief Last Survivor Light Relief Double Saber
1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160 1/160
Victor Axe Stink Frame DB's Saber (3067) Ancient Saber Yasminkov 9000M Angry Fist God/Technique Anti Android Rifle Ancient Saber Flight Cutter
1/788 1/1280 1/160 1/788 1/788 1/160 1/788 1/788 1/788 1/788