Christmas Fiasco (E2)

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Christmas fiasco 2)
Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E2)
Episode 2
Category: Quest category icon.pngEvent
Client: Guild Staff
Info: Clear out the monsters on Gal Da Val Island!
Reward: ??? Meseta
Languages: English
Total XP

16454 63721 119449 339792

The Staff wants to hold a party on Gal Da Val Island but don't want the monsters to ruin it.
- Quest description
Click here for the dialogue script for this quest.

This quest rewards 1, 2, 3, or 6 Tool icon.pngCoal depending on the difficulty.

Enemy Counts

Box Type Count
Central Control Area
Box 11
Box (Armor) 2
Box (Weapon) 2