Stink Frame

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Sti k frame)
Frame icon.pngStink Frame
Protective gear that truly reeks when worn.
Star normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar rare.png
Level 54
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Frame icon.pngStink Frame is a rare frame. It is the base item for the "Parasite Wear" series of combination frames, ending in Frame icon.pngVirus Armor: Lafuteria.


Equipping Stink Frame and using Tool icon.pngParasitic Cell Type D will consume the Parasitic Cell Type D and turn this frame into Frame icon.pngParasite Wear: De Rol. The Stink Frame equipped at the time of use will have its bonus DFP and EVP transferred to the resulting Parasite Wear: De Rol (to a maximum of +50 DFP and +20 EVP).

This combination must be done on any non-android character of at least level 54.


Enemy Drops

Section ID Difficulty Enemy Drop Rate
Viridia Very Hard Rag Rappy (E2) 1/128
Ultimate Dolmdarl 1/900
Greenill Very Hard Gi Gue 1/45.7
Ultimate Crimson Assassin (E2) 1/1280
Skyly Very Hard Dark Gunner 1/284
Purplenum Very Hard Dark Gunner 1/284
Morfos 1/160
Pinkal Very Hard Gigobooma 1/183
Redria Very Hard Morfos 1/160
Oran Very Hard Dark Gunner 1/284
Ultimate Dolmdarl 1/900
Yellowboze Very Hard Dolmdarl 1/366
Morfos 1/160
Whitill Very Hard Dark Gunner 1/284
Morfos 1/160
Ultimate Dolmdarl 1/900

Wandering Tekker

Main article: Coren
Day Meseta Rate
Saturday 10,000 1/991.67
100,000 1/661.11


  • Originally, it was necessary to complete the full Stink Frame to Virus Armor: Lafuteria combination sequence in the same party to have the bonus DFP and EVP from the Stink Frame transfer to the resulting Virus Armor: Lafuteria, as Virus Armor: Lafuteria retaining the Stink Frame's bonus stats is bugged behavior.
    • This was changed in an Ephinea update on September 7th, 2019 that added the same DFP/EVP ranges from Virus Armor: Lafuteria to the "Parasite Wear" frames, allowing them to retain the bonus stats throughout the combination progression.