Love Heart

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Frame icon.pngLove Heart
Star normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar rare.pngStar rare.png
Level 131
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl
Legendary "love" armor.
Its defensive power increases when you approach the opposite sex.

Frame icon.pngLove Heart is a rare frame that is only equippable by females. It is a result of combining the rare combination item Tool icon.pngMagic Rock "Heart Key" with the rare frame Frame icon.pngSpirit Garment. When the user is very close to male player characters, it increases DFP and shows an aesthetic effect similar to Frame icon.pngDress Plate.

Note that while the max DFP and EVP of this frame are 246 and 160, the effective maxes are actually 203 and 145, due to the base item, Spirit Garment, only having a maximum bonus to its DFP and EVP of 7 and 5 respectively.

Love Heart's aesthetic effect

Combinations[edit | edit source]

Equipping Love Heart and using Magic Rock "Heart Key" will consume the Magic Rock "Heart Key" and turn this frame into Frame icon.pngSweetheart. The Love Heart equipped at the time of use will have its bonus DFP and EVP transferred to the resulting Sweetheart.

The Forge[edit | edit source]

One Love Heart is one of six trade components for the Shield icon.pngRed Ring plating Tool icon.pngHeart Plating in the quest Quest icon.pngThe Forge.

Availability[edit | edit source]

Combination[edit | edit source]

Love Heart can be created from using a Tool icon.pngMagic Rock "Heart Key" with a Frame icon.pngSpirit Garment equipped. The Spirit Garment equipped at the time of use will have its bonus DFP and EVP transferred to the resulting Love Heart.

This combination must be done by a female character of at least level 131.