Poison Lily

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Poison Lily (E2))

Poison Lily (E1)
ポイゾナスリリー (E1)
Poison Lily (E1).png
Location: Cave

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
154 10 25 Frame icon.png BartaGrants

Poison Lily (E2)
ポイゾナスリリー (E2)
Poison Lily (E2).png
Location: VR Temple

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
74 13 30 Frame icon.png FoieBartaZondeGrants


Poison Lilies are stationary enemies that spit projectiles at their target. In Normal, Hard, and Very Hard difficulties, they spit a toxic ball that inflicts Poison.pngPoison if it connects. In Ultimate, they spit Megid.pngMegid.

When a Poison Lily finishes its damage received animation, there is a 30% chance of a paralyzing scream attack that causes Paralysis.pngParalysis. At close range they will rapidly snap at targets.

Megid level

The level of Megid.pngMegid cast by this monster depends on whether the monster is rare and which map.

Area Enemy Megid.pngMegid
EDK for
Cave Ob Lily 14 66
Mil Lily 28 96
VR Temple Ob Lily 15 69
Mil Lily 28 96


On Ultimate difficulty, if a Mil Lily has spawned, nearby Ob Lilies will sometimes cast the Mil Lily's level of Megid. This is due to a bug in the client where the level of Megid is shared by all lilies and is set to the value used for the last Lily to spawn. For example, if there is a spawn of only Ob Lily alive and then a delayed spawn with a single rare lily occurs, then all lilies alive at the time will start using the rare lily's Megid level.

Rare Spawns

A Poison Lily has a 1/500 chance of spawning as a Nar Lily.


Episode 1

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 1:

Episode 2

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 2:

Rare Drops

Episode 1

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Varista Varista DB's Saber Club of Laconium Club of Laconium Club of Laconium DB's Saber Club of Laconium Varista Varista
1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512
Very Hard
Vjaya Blade Dance Last Survivor Kaladbolg M&A60 Vise Brionac Magic Rock "Moola" Blade Dance Last Survivor Diska of Liberator
1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512 1/512
Final Impact Justy-23ST Guilty Light Gae Bolg L&K14 Combat Storm Wand: Indra Cure/Poison Angry Fist Guard Wave Red Handgun
1/256 1/1260 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/256 1/1260 1/256 1/4096 1/1260

Episode 2

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Mind Material Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder Evade Material Monogrinder - - - Monogrinder
1/2482 1/6068 1/6068 1/6068 1/2482 1/6068 1/6068
DB's Saber Varista DB's Saber DB's Saber Varista Club of Laconium Varista DB's Saber Club of Laconium Varista
1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427
Very Hard
Mind Material Wals-MK2 Flowen's Sword Vjaya H&S25 Justice Ice Staff: Dagon Diska of Liberator Bloody Art Meteor Smash H&S25 Justice
1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427
Cure/Poison Justy-23ST Dragon Slayer Gae Bolg L&K14 Combat Storm Wand: Indra Victor Axe Dragon Slayer Flowen's Sword (3084) Diska of Braveman
1/1707 1/213 1/213 1/213 1/213 1/213 1/1050 1/213 1/213 1/213