Rag Rappy

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Revision as of 23:34, 28 February 2025 by Sundark (talk | contribs) (→‎Episode 1: whatever this is broken for a bit i'll fix it)

Rag Rappy (E1)
ラグ・ラッピー (E1)
Rag Rappy (E1).png
Location: Forest

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
56 4 100 Frame icon.png Foie

Rag Rappy (E2)
ラグ・ラッピー (E2)
Rag Rappy (E2).png
Location: VR Temple

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
56 5 100 Frame icon.png FoieBarta

Rag Rappy is an enemy native to the Forest. It also appears in VR Temple.


Rag Rappies will remain stationary until a player is in their vicinity. They will then approach the player directly and attempt to attack the player with a short-ranged peck.

Rag Rappies are unique in that they can never be killed. When their HP is depleted to 0, they will grant the player EXP and play dead on the ground. After a set amount of time, or if there are no players nearby, the Rag Rappy will stand up and run away. If struck again while it is running, it will drop an item.

If attacked from far away, the Rag Rappy will immediately begin running and grant no EXP. The Rag Rappy can be struck during this run for a drop as if it had been defeated. Rappies struck in this manner will not drop event-related items.

Attack damage

Rag Rappy's attacks all deal physical damage, varying based on its ATP and the target's DFP.

Special activation

Episode 1

Special Base Rate With Unit icon.pngV501 With Unit icon.pngV502
Paralysis & Freezing
Ice, Bind 32% 48%
Frost, Hold 48% 72%
Freeze, Seize 64% 96%
Blizzard, Arrest 80% 120%
Panic 28% 42%
Riot 44% 66%
Havoc 60% 90%
Chaos 76% 114%
Instant kill
Dim 38% 57% 76%
Shadow 56% 84% 112%
Dark 68% 102% 136%
Hell 83% 124.5% 166%

Episode 2

Special Base Rate With Unit icon.pngV501 With Unit icon.pngV502
Paralysis & Freezing
Ice, Bind 17% 25.5%
Frost, Hold 33% 49.5%
Freeze, Seize 49% 73.5%
Blizzard, Arrest 65% 97.5%
Panic 13% 19.5%
Riot 29% 43.5%
Havoc 45% 67.5%
Chaos 61% 91.5%
Instant kill
Dim 38% 57% 76%
Shadow 56% 84% 112%
Dark 68% 102% 136%
Hell 83% 124.5% 166%


  • Rag Rappies are best handled with any long-range attack to make them run away immediately, followed up with another attack to make them drop items. Examples of this are handgun attacks, Gun icon.pngPower Maser, or techniques such as Gizonde.pngGizonde and Rafoie.pngRafoie.
  • Rag Rappies do not have any invincibility frames upon spawning in, so they are susceptible to lingering attacks such as Gifoie.pngGifoie.
  • A damage trap used under a Rag Rappy spawning in from above will cause it to run away immediately as if it had been struck from afar. Note that Rag Rappies dispatched in this manner will not run away on other players' clients, but the game will track them as though they were killed for the purpose of spawning in the next wave of enemies in a room, or clearing a room.
  • In Episode 2, Rag Rappies have low EDK, making them susceptible to Megid.pngMegid and Hell.

Rare spawn

In Episode 1, a Rag Rappy has a 1/500 chance of spawning as an Al Rappy. In Episode 2, a Rag Rappy can spawn as a Love Rappy with the same probability.


Episode 1

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 1:

Category Quest Details Count
Quest category icon.pngSide Story Quest icon.pngThe Fake in Yellow Clear quest 47
Quest category icon.pngVR Quest icon.pngTyrell's Ego First spawn 5
First room 9
Clear Forest 28
Quest category icon.pngEvent Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Forest Clear quest 16
Quest category icon.pngMaximum Attack Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Episode 1 Clear Forest 12
Quest category icon.pngRetrieval Quest icon.pngRescue from Ragol First set of rooms 7

Episode 2

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 2:

Rare drops

Episode 1

Episode 2

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
Monogrinder Monogrinder Monogrinder - - Monogrinder - Monogrinder Mind Material -
1/1820 1/1820 1/1820 1/1820 1/1820 1/745
Varista Custom Ray ver.OO Kaladbolg Club of Laconium Club of Laconium Mace of Adaman DB's Saber Club of Laconium DB's Saber Club of Laconium
1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128
Very Hard
Stink Frame Bloody Art Combat Gear Custom Barrier ver.OO H&S25 Justice Ice Staff: Dagon Diska of Liberator Bloody Art Vjaya Diska of Liberator
1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128 1/128
Windmill Suppressed Gun Vivienne Suppressed Gun Suppressed Gun Vivienne Rambling May DB's Saber (3070) Cross Scar Rambling May
1/315 1/315 1/1024 1/315 1/315 1/1024 1/1024 1/315 1/64 1/1024