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Unit icon.pngV801
When equipped, this unit decreases technique casting time.
It also increases MST by 5.
Star normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar normal.pngStar rare.pngStar rare.png
HUmr HUnl HUct HUcl
RAmr RAml RAct RAcl
FOmr FOml FOnm FOnl

Unit icon.pngV801 is a rare unit that increases casting speed for Techniques. Multiple V801 units will not decrease casting speed any further, though the MST increase from multiple units will still apply.

This unit is considered a staple for all characters which use techniques regularly.


The technique casting animation is made up of four distinct animations:
Startup -> Charge time -> Cast time-> Endlag

V801 increases casting speed in two ways:

  1. Decreases Charge time by 0-6 frames depending on the technique being cast (see table below);
  2. Decreases Cast time depending on class and weapon:
    • -4 frames: Female, unarmed (excluding FOmarl)
    • -3 frames: All classes, armed; FOmarl, unarmed
    • -2 frames: Male, unarmed; FOmarl, card
V801 charge time reductions by technique:
Lv1-5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Lv10 Lv11 Lv12 Lv13 Lv14 Lv15 Lv16+
Foie.pngFoie -
Zonde.pngZonde -
Barta.pngBarta -
Gifoie.pngGifoie 2 1
Gizonde.pngGizonde 2 1
Gibarta.pngGibarta 2 1
Rafoie.pngRafoie 4 3 2 1
Razonde.pngRazonde 4 3 2 1
Rabarta.pngRabarta 4 3 2 1
Grants.pngGrants 5 4 3 2 1
Megid.pngMegid 5 4 3 2 1
Resta.pngResta 2 1
Anti.pngAnti 2 1
Reverser.pngReverser 3 -
Shifta.pngShifta -
Deband.pngDeband -
Jellen.pngJellen -
Zalure.pngZalure -
Ryuker.pngRyuker 6 -


Enemy Drops

Section ID Difficulty Enemy Drop Rate
Purplenum Ultimate Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Pinkal Ultimate Zu 1/1280
Oran Ultimate Zu 1/1280