Savage Wolf

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Revision as of 17:27, 1 March 2025 by Sundark (talk | contribs) (→‎Hunting)
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Savage Wolf (E1)
サベージウルフ (E1)
Savage Wolf (E1).png
Location: Forest

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
95 5 30 Frame icon.png Foie

Savage Wolf (E2)
サベージウルフ (E2)
Savage Wolf (E2).png
Location: VR Spaceship

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
235 13 30 Frame icon.png Zonde


In Ultimate difficulty, Gulgus have a 10% chance to inflict Slow.pngSlow if the attack will damage or push back the player.



Wolves of all types will try to circle around behind their target and pounce; they can be very annoying to fight. However, it's not difficult to get a full 3-hit combo on them as long as they cooperate.


Wolves will bound up to distant targets, but can be freely shot while doing so. Disengaging from them is fairly simple, since they bound away after attacking, even if they miss.


Wolves are semi-weak to either Zonde or Grants, which is great, since those spells auto-target them. Those spells can also be used to square up for a Foie shot; their other weakness.


Episode 1

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 1:

Category Quest Details Count
Quest category icon.pngGovernment Quest icon.png1-1:Planet Ragol Clear quest 36
Quest category icon.pngMaximum Attack Quest icon.pngMAXIMUM ATTACK 1 Ver2 First spawn 5
Above, plus southeast room 21
Quest category icon.pngEvent Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Forest Clear first room 5
Clear quest 25
Quest category icon.pngMaximum Attack Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Episode 1 Clear first room 5
Clear Forest 21
Quest category icon.pngSide Story Quest icon.pngSoul of a Blacksmith Clear Forest 28

Episode 2

The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy in Episode 2:

Category Quest Details Count
Quest category icon.pngExtermination Quest icon.pngPenumbral Surge 2 Clear northwest route 37
Clear VR Spaceship Alpha 62
Clear quest 100
Quest category icon.pngHalloween Quest icon.pngHollow Reality: Spaceship Clear quest 34
Quest category icon.pngGovernment Quest icon.png6-5:Test/Spaceship 5 Clear VR Spaceship Alpha 34
Quest icon.png6-1:Test/Spaceship 1 Clear quest 32
Quest icon.png6-4:Test/Spaceship 4 Clear VR Spaceship Alpha 32
Quest category icon.pngRetrieval Quest icon.pngLost BIND ASSAULT Clear VR Spaceship Alpha 27
Clear quest 61

Rare Drops

Episode 1

Viridia Greenill Skyly Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Redria Oran Yellowboze Whitill
- - - - - Recovery Barrier - - - -
DB's Saber Varista DB's Saber DB's Saber Club of Laconium Club of Laconium DB's Saber DB's Saber DB's Saber DB's Saber
1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427
Very Hard
Crush Bullet Wals-MK2 Flowen's Sword Battle Verge Blade Dance Fire Scepter: Agni Crush Bullet Flowen's Sword Meteor Smash Slicer of Assassin
1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427 1/427
Custom Frame ver.OO Cross Scar Stag Cutlery Alive Aqhu L&K14 Combat Heart of Angel Harp Flowen's Frame Dragon Slayer Storm Wand: Indra Yamato
1/683 1/213 1/213 1/213 1/213 1/13653 1/683 1/213 1/213 1/213

Episode 2