Tyrell's Ego

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Quest icon.pngTyrell's Ego
Episode 1
Category: Quest category icon.pngVR
Client: Principal
Info: Challenge Tyrell's latest simulation! Deflate that big head of his!
Reward: Normal: 7500
Hard: 15000
Very Hard: 22500
Ultimate: 30000
Author: Tofuman
Languages: English
Total XP

20163 80942 166240 450162

18757 75283 150846 408014

I've designed a new simulation! Have you got what it takes to clear it?
- Quest description

Quest icon.pngTyrell's Ego is a quest located in Episode 1 under VR. In the quest, players must defeat a great density of monsters throughout the entirety of Episode 1 areas.

If a party manages to defeat every single enemy in the quest in under one hour, they will be rewarded with an Shield icon.pngAnti-Dark Ring. This reward is once per character, and is obtained by talking to Irene after defeating Dark Falz for a total of 1055 enemies killed. The current kill counter appears as a scrolling text. Players can verify if it says 1054 enemies defeated before entering the boss teleporter to Dark Falz.

One Chaos Bringer in Ruins 3 does not spawn in this quest. That enemy is not included in the requirement for Anti-Dark Ring.

A guide for obtaining Anti-Dark Ring can be found here.

Enemy Counts

Forest 2
Enemy Count
Booma 17
Gobooma 41
Gigobooma 17
Savage Wolf 21
Barbarous Wolf 9
Monest 16
Rag Rappy 28
Hildebear 52
Cave 3
Enemy Count
Evil Shark 68
Pal Shark 25
Guil Shark 49
Poison Lily 39
Pofuilly Slime 23
Nano Dragon 12
Pan Arms 6
Mine 2
Enemy Count
Gillchic 73
Dubchic 37
Dubwitch 8
Canadine 115(51)
Canane 8(0)
Sinow Beat 25
Sinow Gold 25
Garanz 28
Ruins 3
Enemy Count
Dimenian 64
La Dimenian 48
So Dimenian 46
Claw 82
Bulclaw 24
Dark Belra 34
Dark Gunner 31
Death Gunner 7
Chaos Sorcerer 24
Chaos Bringer 21
Enemy Count
Dragon 1
De Rol Le 1
Vol Opt 1 (1)
Dark Falz 1
Total Tally after each Area
Enemy Count
Forest 2 202
Forest 2/Caves 3 425
Forest 2/Caves 3/Mines 2 674
All 1055

Enemy Count Enemy Count Enemy Count Enemy Count
Booma 17 Evil Shark 68 Gillchic 73 Dimenian 64
Gobooma 41 Pal Shark 25 Dubchic 37 La Dimenian 48
Gigobooma 17 Guil Shark 49 Dubwitch 8 So Dimenian 46
Savage Wolf 21 Poison Lily 39 Canadine 115(51) Claw 82
Barbarous Wolf 9 Pofuilly Slime 23 Canane 8(0) Bulclaw 24
Monest 16 Nano Dragon 12 Sinow Beat 25 Dark Belra 34
Rag Rappy 28 Pan Arms 6 Sinow Gold 25 Dark Gunner 31
Hildebear 52 De Rol Le 1 Garanz 28 Death Gunner 7
Dragon 1 Vol Opt 1 Chaos Sorcerer 24
Chaos Bringer 21
Dark Falz 1
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
Forest 2 Under the Dome Cave 3
Box 51 Box (Armor) 4 Box 13
Box (Moon Atomizer) 2 Box (Tool) 4 Box (Scape Doll) 3
Box (Telepipe) 1 Box (Weapon) 8 Box (Sol Atomizer) 1
Box (Weapon) 1 Underground Channel Box (Star Atomizer) 1
Mine 2 Box 4 Monitor Room
Box 34 Box (Armor) 2 Box (Armor) 3
Box (Armor) 5 Box (Meseta) 1 Box (Meseta) 3
Box (Monogrinder) 2 Box (Weapon) 2 Box (Tool) 7
Box (Monomate) 1 Ruins 3 Box (Weapon) 3
Box (Scape Doll) 5 Box 86 ????
Box (Sol Atomizer) 1 Box (Armor) 5
Box (Telepipe) 1 Box (Meseta) 7
Box (Trifluid) 1 Box (Weapon) 12
Box (Trimate) 1
Box (Weapon) 4