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Disk icon.pngResta
HP restoration technique.
Helps nearby teammates at higher levels.
15 20 ××
15 20 ××
30 30 30 30

Resta.pngResta is a recovery technique. It restores lost HP. Starting at level three, Resta.pngResta will also heal other characters. All levels of Resta.pngResta have the same range.

While slower than consuming an HP recovery tool (such as Tool icon.pngMonomate or Tool icon.pngStar Atomizer), Resta.pngResta can be used many times before requiring any TP recovery, making it more reliable over longer periods of time.

Healing formula

The amount of HP restored by Resta.pngResta can be calculated with this formula:

  • HP Restored = Tech Power + (MST/2)

Technique boosts


Class Technique(s) Boost
FOmarl Grants.png +50% damage
Resta.pngAnti.pngShifta.pngDeband.png +100% range
FOnewearl Foie.pngBarta.pngZonde.png +30% damage
Megid.png Pierces
Resta.pngAnti.png +100% range


The following items, when equipped, will increase Resta.pngResta's range.

Level progression

Resta.pngResta's statistics improve when its level increases, but the MST required to learn it and TP required to cast it increase as well.


Self-Resta example. Note Player 2's HP

Recovery and support techniques have a property whereby their effect is sometimes only applied only to the player who cast the technique, regardless of their level or range. This occurs when an applicable technique--in this case Resta.pngResta--is cast on the first actionable frame after performing an attack or recovering from knockdown.

By utilizing the quick menu, Self-Resta can be performed reliably. Techniques in the quick menu can be rearranged, allowing Resta to be placed at the top of the list. During the action (attack or knockdown), the quick menu can be opened and Resta can be selected. This way the Resta cast is buffered and the healing is always performed whithin the first available frame (see graphic).

Note: Self-Resta does not work after certain other actions, such as casting techniques.

Self-Resta is useful primarily in parties with Sword icon.pngDark Flow users, as Dark Flow's powerful special attack requires the user's HP to be below a certain threshold. Another use for Self-Resta is to allow other players in the party to exploit set damage attacks for Mag icon.pngMag triggers by manipulating their health, allowing players wishing to recover their health to do so without interfering (or expending recovery items).


Level 30

Section ID Difficulty Area Drop Source Drop Rate
All Ultimate Cave 3 Mil Lily, Pouilly Slime 1/4,200
Pan Arms 1/4,667
Nano Dragon 1/7,636
Hidoom, Migium 1/9,333
Govulmer 1/12,000
Vulmer, Item box 1/14,000
Pofuilly Slime 1/15,556
Ob Lily 1/16,800
Melqueek 1/28,000
Mine 1 Baranz 1/4,588
Sinow Blue 1/6,500
Sinow Red 1/7,091
Canabin, Canune 1/11,143
Gillchich, Dubchich, Item box 1/13,000
Mine 2 Baranz 1/2,626
Sinow Blue 1/3,720
Sinow Red 1/4,058
Canabin, Canune 1/6,377
Gillchich, Dubchich, Item box 1/7,440
Ruins 1 Bulclaw, Delsaber, Indi Belra 1/7,719
Merlan, Del-D, Gran Sorcerer, Bulk 1/9,925
Arlan, Claw, Item box 1/11,579
Ruins 2 Dark Bringer 1/3,409
Bulclaw, Delsaber, Dark Gunner 1/6,667
Merlan, Del-D, Bulk 1/8,571
Arlan, Claw, Item box 1/10,000
Ruins 3 Dark Bringer 1/2,557
Bulclaw, Indi Belra, Dark Gunner 1/5,000
Merlan, Del-D, Gran Sorcerer, Bulk 1/6,429
Arlan, Claw, Item box 1/7,500
Jungle Area (North) Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/5,250
Sinow Spigell 1/9,333
Sinow Berill 1/10,500
Meriltas, Zol Gibbon 1/12,000
Merillia, Gee, Ul Gibbon, Item box 1/14,000
Jungle Area (East) Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/4,875
Sinow Spigell 1/8,667
Sinow Berill 1/9,750
Meriltas, Zol Gibbon 1/11,143
Merillia, Gee, Ul Gibbon, Item box 1/13,000
Mountain Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/4,500
Sinow Spigell 1/8,000
Sinow Berill 1/9,000
Meriltas, Zol Gibbon 1/10,286
Merillia, Gee, Ul Gibbon, Item box 1/12,000
Seaside, Central Control Area Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/4,342
Sinow Spigell 1/7,719
Sinow Berill 1/8,684
Meriltas, Zol Gibbon 1/9,925
Merillia, Gee, Ul Gibbon, Item box 1/11,579
Seabed Upper Delbiter 1/3,750
Morfos, Deldepth 1/7,500
Dolmdarl, Sinow Zele, Recobox 1/8,571
Dolmolm, Sinow Zoa, Item box 1/10,000
Recon 1/30,000
Seabed Lower, Control Tower Delbiter, Gi Gue, Gibbles, Mericarol, Merikle, Mericus 1/2,813
Morfos, Deldepth, Ill Gill 1/5,625
Dolmdarl, Sinow Zele, Recobox, Del Lily 1/6,429
Dolmolm, Sinow Zoa, Epsilon, Item box 1/7,500
Recon 1/22,500
Crater (Southern Route) Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Dorphon Eclair 1/4,200
Astark 1/4,941
Zu, Dorphon 1/5,250
Yowie 1/9,333
Ze Boota 1/11,053
Ba Boota 1/12,000
Satellite Lizard, Boota, Item box 1/14,000
Crater (Northern Route) Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Dorphon Eclair 1/3,900
Astark 1/4,588
Zu, Dorphon 1/4,875
Yowie 1/8,667
Ze Boota 1/10,263
Ba Boota 1/11,143
Satellite Lizard, Boota, Item box 1/13,000
Crater Interior Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Dorphon Eclair 1/3,600
Astark 1/4,235
Zu, Dorphon 1/4,500
Yowie 1/8,000
Ze Boota 1/9,474
Ba Boota 1/10,286
Satellite Lizard, Boota, Item box 1/12,000
Subterranean Desert 1 Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Merissa AA 1/3,474
Zu, Girtablulu 1/4,342
Yowie 1/7,719
Pyro Goran, Goran Detonator 1/9,925
Satellite Lizard, Goran, Item box 1/11,579
Merissa A 1/12,866
Subterranean Desert 2 Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Merissa AA 1/3,000
Zu, Girtablulu 1/3,750
Yowie 1/6,667
Pyro Goran, Goran Detonator 1/8,571
Satellite Lizard, Goran, Item box 1/10,000
Merissa A 1/11,111
Subterranean Desert 3 Sand Rappy, Del Rappy, Pazuzu, Merissa AA 1/2,250
Zu, Girtablulu 1/2,813
Yowie 1/5,000
Pyro Goran, Goran Detonator 1/6,429
Satellite Lizard, Goran, Item box 1/7,500
Merissa A 1/8,333