Endless: Episode 1

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
Revision as of 17:31, 7 February 2024 by Sundark (talk | contribs)
Quest icon.pngEndless: Episode 1
Episode 1
Category: VR
Info: A VR simulation designed to test a team's limits!
Reward: ??? Meseta
Author: Alisaryn
Languages: English
Total XP

??? ??? ??? ???

??? ??? ??? ???

Test the simulator to see how high you can get your score!
- Quest description

Rare enemies are disabled in this quest.

Room Objectives

Each room of the quest has one of four objectives, chosen randomly for non-boss areas:

  • Avoid taking damage.
  • Avoid healing.
  • Avoid death.
  • Avoid losing meseta.

Time and points added per area is based on the number of penalties the party receives for the current objective.

Additionally, areas 5 and 15 each have a bonus objective on top of their typical objective, which is a task that awards additional points if completed successfully.

Boss rooms each have their own static objective, which are the following:

  • Dragon: Avoid taking damage.
  • De Rol Le: Avoid healing.
  • Vol Opt: Avoid losing meseta.
  • Dark Falz: Avoid death.

A lap ends after 20 total areas, or 21 if Falz is reached. (Additional Area)

Lap Completion

After completion of a lap, one rank of a quest-wide penalty is applied for the rest of the run. These are applied in the following order:

  • Reduced invincibility (blessing) chance. (Max: 5 ranks)
  • Room clear time decrease. (Max: 5 ranks)
  • Stricter penalties (Penalties reduce the room clear time award by additional amounts.) (Max: 4 ranks)
  • Extra time deduction per penalty (x additional seconds are deducted from the timer per penalty, x being the current lap number.) (Max: Infinite ranks)

Quest Board

The Quest Board (Item Pack -> Quest Board) has some optional uses in this quest, allowing the player to:

  • Check their current points.
  • Check the current room's objective.
  • Check the number of objective penalties for the current room.
  • Check the current lap number.

Invincibility Blessing

Each non-boss room has a 15% base chance (reduced by 3% per rank of the lap penalty) of granting invincibility to the party for a variable amount of time. The duration of this is based on how fast the previous room was cleared.

Additional Area

If the party manages to reach the end of a lap with a low amount of overall penalties (the exact limit is three times the number of party members), Dark Falz is given as an additional area. This area does not subtract from the timer, and gives a higher than usual amount of points for completion.

Coffee Side Quest

A side quest that awards additional points and meseta can be completed once per lap. A video with the necessary steps can be found here.

Enemy Counts

Forest 1
Enemy Count
Rag Rappy 2
Barbarous Wolf 2
Savage Wolf 15
Gobooma 6
Booma 35
Gigobooma 7
Forest 2
Enemy Count
Hildebear 7
Rag Rappy 17
Barbarous Wolf 5
Savage Wolf 11
Booma 6
Gobooma 20
Gigobooma 13
Cave 1
Enemy Count
Nano Dragon 6
Guil Shark 8
Pal Shark 8
Evil Shark 33
Poison Lily 11
Grass Assassin 3
Cave 2
Enemy Count
Grass Assassin 7
Poison Lily 10
Guil Shark 10
Pal Shark 31
Evil Shark 19
Nano Dragon 4
Pofuilly Slime 2
Cave 3
Enemy Count
Poison Lily 8
Guil Shark 12
Pal Shark 22
Evil Shark 23
Pofuilly Slime 2
Nano Dragon 3
Mine 1
Enemy Count
Gillchic 50
Sinow Beat 6
Canadine 21
Sinow Gold 3
Canane 1
Mine 2
Enemy Count
Gillchic 32
Dubchic 13
Garanz 3
Sinow Beat 10
Canadine 19
Dubwitch 3
Ruins 1
Enemy Count
Delsaber 9
Chaos Sorcerer 7
Dimenian 28
So Dimenian 2
La Dimenian 13
Claw 27
Dark Belra 5
Bulclaw 2
Ruins 2
Enemy Count
La Dimenian 24
So Dimenian 1
Dimenian 10
Delsaber 9
Dark Gunner 8
Claw 21
Chaos Bringer 1
Bulclaw 1
Ruins 3
Enemy Count
Chaos Sorcerer 5
Dimenian 27
Bulclaw 1
Claw 19
Dark Gunner 12
Dark Belra 7
Chaos Bringer 1
So Dimenian 3
La Dimenian 5
Under the Dome
Enemy Count
Dragon 1
Underground Channel
Enemy Count
De Rol Le 1
Monitor Room
Enemy Count
Vol Opt 1
Enemy Count
Dark Falz 1
Enemy Count
Dragon 1
De Rol Le 1
Vol Opt 1
Dark Falz 1
Enemy Count Enemy Count
Booma 36 Gobooma 25
Gigobooma 21 Rag Rappy 19
Savage Wolf 23 Barbarous Wolf 7
Hildebear 7
Evil Shark 75 Pal Shark 61
Guil Shark 30 Pan Arms 15
Poison Lily 29 Nano Dragon 12
Pofuilly Slime 4 Grass Assassin 10
Dubchic 12 Dubwitch 3
Gillchic 69 Canadine 31
Canane 2 Sinow Beat 16
Sinow Gold 3 Garanz 3
Dimenian 52 La Dimenian 36
So Dimenian 6 Delsaber 59
Claw 64 Bulclaw 3
Chaos Sorcerer 11 Dark Belra 9
Dark Gunner 19 Chaos Bringer 2
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
Forest 1 Forest 2 Cave 1 Cave 2 Cave 3
Box 20 Box 10 Box 21 Box 4 Box 4
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
Mine 1 Mine 2 Ruins 1 Ruins 2 Ruins 3
Box 6 Box 8 Box 5 Box 12 Box 6
Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count Box Type Count
Under the Dome Underground Channel Monitor Room ???
Box (Weapon) 2 Box (Weapon) 2 Box (Weapon) 3 Box (Weapon) 12
Box (Armor) 2 Box (Armor) 2 Box (Armor) 3 Box (Armor) 9
Box (Meseta) 5 Box (Meseta) 5 Box (Meseta) 3 Box (Meseta) 3
Box (Tool) 5 Box (Tool) 7