Vol Opt

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Vol Opt (Form 1)
ボルオプト (フォーム 1)
Vol Opt (Form 1).png
Location: Monitor Room


Vol Opt (Pillar)
ボルオプト (ピラー)
Vol Opt (Pillar).png
Location: Monitor Room


Vol Opt (Monitor)
ボルオプト (モニター)
Vol Opt (Monitor).png
Location: Monitor Room


Vol Opt (Spire)
ボルオプト (スパイア)
Vol Opt (Spire).png
Location: Monitor Room


Vol Opt (Form 2)
ボルオプト (フォーム 2)
Vol Opt (Form 2).png
Location: Monitor Room

HP XP DAR Set Drop Weakness
9500 1250 0 - Zonde

Vol Opt (Prison)
ボルオプト (ケージ)
Vol Opt (Prison).png
Location: Monitor Room


Vol Opt is the boss of the Mine area, located in the central control room of the underground facility.


Vol Opt is one of the few monsters that does not take increased damage from technique boosts.


First Form

Vol Opt will cycle through monitors, then the pillars will raise and use techniques to attack. In Ultimate the pillars attack twice with two random techniques (four attacks total).

Difficulty Damage Type Base Damage
All Lightning 48 (N OPM)

Gizonde arcs from the red pillar, through one or more players, to the central column.


The red pillar shoots a fireball at the targeted player.

Difficulty Damage Type Base Damage
Ultimate Fire 457 (U OPM)

Ultimate only

Second Form

In Normal through Very Hard, Vol Opt's second form will rotate through attacks in a fixed order: Missiles, Stomper, Stomper, Heal, Prison. The rotation in Ultimate is random. Each attack has a corresponding node which will face the targeted player before use and it will no longer be able to use that attack if the node is destroyed.


Vol Opt fires slow moving missiles that home on their target. The missiles detonate on contact or after a set amount of time.


Vol Opt sends out a tracking laser that follows a player. After a short amount of time pillers come down from the ceiling to crush the targeted player. The pillars can be avoided by running in a straight line.


Vol Opt restores a fixed amount of health.


Vol Opt fires a tracking ball that homes in on the targeted player briefly. If hit, the player is trapped in a prison. The player will be unable to act but it can be destroyed by other players. After a charge up time, the trapped player will be hit with a large amount of fixed damage.

Difficulty Damage Type Base Damage
Ultimate Fixed 1480 (Multi)
640 (OPM)


First form damage glitch

During the first form, the way damage is transferred from Vol Opt's monitors into his core is bugged. When an offensive Disk icon.pngtechnique (barring Megid) or physical attack is used on Vol Opt's monitors while the core is on them, the attack deals damage to the monitors normally, then, if Vol Opt's core flinches as it does when the monitors are hit while the core is vulnerable, additional damage is transferred to the core for each monitor hit, using the physical damage formula:

Damage = (ATP-DFP)/5

  • ATP in the formula is varied just as in the regular computation of physical damage values.
  • Weapon Machine % is factored into effective ATP normally.
  • DFP of Vol Opt's core, rather than the DFP of the monitors', is used in the formula.
  • Under normal physical damage calculation, there is a global damage coefficient of 0.9 for base damage. That coefficient is not factored in this case. See here for more info on physical damage calculation.
  • Elemental resistance, technique boosts and technique power are irrelevant due to no influence on the physical damage formula.

Note that this only applies to the additional damage from hitting the monitors with attacks, while the damage from hitting the core directly by techniques or physical attacks--that are capable of doing so--are computed by their regular damage formulas respectively.

As the phase is finished when the core's HP is depleted, it is viable to end the first phase very quickly by equipping a high ATP weapon like Sword icon.pngExcalibur, or Sword icon.pngRed Saber + Frame icon.pngCrimson Coat with FOnewearl, and using fast multi-target techniques such as Gizonde.pngGizonde to stun-lock Vol Opt.

Machine Breakpoints

Damaging Vol Opt’s first form with Gizonde.pngGizonde while equipping high ATP weapons is a well-known strategy for defeating the boss efficiently, taking advantage of the damage bug mentioned above. Powerful weapons like Sword icon.pngExcalibur or Sword icon.pngGalatine, with their exceptionally high base ATP, allow players to eliminate the boss with just a few Gizonde.pngGizonde casts. However, due to latency issues, stun-locking Vol Opt's core can sometimes be challenging. In such cases, using high ATP Fist weapons on male classes can be an effective alternative, as the barehand male casting animation is the fastest animation on any given technique. Additionally, any amount of Machine % on the weapon enhances damage output when executing the Gizonde.pngGizonde stun-lock.

The table below presents a breakpoint analysis of the minimum number of Gizonde.pngGizonde casts required to defeat Vol Opt’s first form, based on the Machine % of a given weapon. The table is intended as a guide to determine how much additional Machine % on a weapon is needed to reduce the number of required Gizonde.pngGizonde casts by one or more.

This analysis is based on the following assumptions:

Shield icon.pngRed Ring is excluded from this analysis due to the relative ease of obtaining Shield icon.pngCombat Gear and ease of equip swapping Shield icon.pngBarriers mid game.

The tables highlight a selection of weapons, including popular choices like Sword icon.pngExcalibur and Sword icon.pngGalatine, as well as Fist weapons for those prioritizing easier stun-locking. Additionally, Sword icon.pngRed Saber and Sword icon.pngOrotiagito benefit from ATP boosts when paired with Frame icon.pngCrimson Coat (CC) and Frame icon.pngSamurai Armor (SA) due to set effects.

Number of Gizonde.pngGizonde casts:
Weapon Machine Percent [%]
0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Sword icon.pngExcalibur 14 13 12 11 10 9
Sword icon.pngGalatine 13 12 11 10 9 8
Sword icon.pngSacred Duster 15 14 13 12 11 10
Sword icon.pngAngry Fist 17 16 15 14 13 12
Sword icon.pngOrotiagito + Frame icon.pngSA 13 12 11 10 9
Sword icon.pngRed Saber + Frame icon.pngCC 14 13 12 11 10 9

First form Pilla.pngPilla photon blast strategy

In the Normal, Hard, and Very Hard difficulties, there is a conduit hanging from the ceiling in Vol Opt's monitor room. Knocking it down to the ground by damaging it will cause Vol Opt to short-circuit when his pillars attack the room with lightning. When this happens, all of the pillars in the room come up at once and are stunned, making all of them targetable for a short period of time. This mechanic can be abused to defeat Vol Opt's first form, even in multiplayer, through the use of a well-raised Mag with the Pilla.pngPilla photon blast.

First, make sure you enter the boss fight with a full photon blast meter. When the fight begins, shoot down the conduit and position yourself on top of it. Vol Opt will circle around the room on the monitors - you can ignore them. When he stops at one of the monitors, he will raise some pillars from the ground. Again, do not attack anything. Instead, watch closely while he charges up his lightning attack, and then activate your Pilla photon blast just before he unleashes.

If timed properly, here's what will happen: During the couple seconds of invulnerability before the photon blast activates, the lightning attack from Vol Opt will miss you and only strike his conduit on the ground, causing him to short-circuit. While short-circuited, all of his pillars become exposed and are targetable, which conveniently means your Pilla photon blast will strike all of them at once. If your Mag's IQ is high, the damage output on the pillars will be great enough to destroy all of them at once, thus ending Vol Opt's first form instantly. This is potentially the fastest way to defeat Vol Opt's first form.

Again, this is not possible in Ultimate, as there is no conduit for Vol Opt to short-circuit himself upon, meaning you won't be able to target all of his pillars in one photon blast. Also, if you are in multi-player, you must ensure that your allies understand not to seek out and attack the pillars, else Vol Opt's lightning attack may be delayed or completely prevented and ruin your ability to time the photon blast properly.

Second form cutscene skip

Control of your character is returned whenever your character stands up. This means that ending first form knocked down or dead will allow you to act during the cutscene. The easiest way to take advantage of this is any self-damaging weapon (e.g. Sword icon.pngOrotiagito, any Lavis-series weapon, Sword icon.pngGirasole, etc.) and a Tool icon.pngScape Doll. It is not possible to swap weapons while the cutscene is active.

An example of this strategy being performed can be found in this video


Vol Opt was one of three master computers used by Pioneer 1 to control the underground facility found below the Central Dome known as the Mines, and one of the two master computers located in the Mines. Calus and Olga were the other two master computers and Calus was also located in the Mines, while Olga was actually located in a separate research facility. The three machines were designed to keep an eye on each other to maintain balance. According to Calus' conversation with Elly Person in the mission "Knowing One's Heart", both master computers were hacked by an unknown entity after the explosion at the Central Dome. While Calus managed to shut himself down, it is implied that Vol Opt was fully reprogrammed and became aggressive to the investigating Hunters and researchers.


The following quests are recommended for hunting this enemy:


Rare Drops