In the world of Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst, each of the twelve character types is one of three species: Human, Newman, or Android. With a profession of either Hunter, Ranger, or Force. While members of each profession start out with the same equipment, the attributes of each character vary according to their species.
Species[edit | edit source]
Humans - Balanced race, with strong potential in power, accuracy, and techniques. Humans are unable to naturally regenerate HP or TP, and cannot use traps.
Newmans - Genetically modified race evolved from humans. Newmans excel at casting techniques rather than engaging in melee or ranged combat. They naturally regenerate TP, but only while standing still.
Androids - Unable to use techniques, but can use traps. They are immune to Poison and Paralysis status effects. In Ultimate difficulty Androids receive a 30% bonus to the amount of HP and EXP stolen from all HP Drain and EXP steal weapons specials. They also have a 30% bonus to the activation rate of all Freezing, Paralysis, and Confusion weapon specials. The HP cut weapon specials Devil's and Demon's receive a penalty however, with such weapons reducing enemy HP by 25% and 45% respectively, instead of 50% and 75%. They naturally regenerate HP, but only while standing still.
Professions[edit | edit source]
Hunters[edit | edit source]
Proficient with bladed weapons and excel in close-range combat.
- HUmar (Hunter/Human/Male): Excels in close-range combat. Has the most balanced growth potential. Has some recovery and attack techniques.
- HUnewearl (Hunter/Newman/Female): Has very strong techniques as well as being adept at close range combat. Has the lowest HP of the Hunter class.
- HUcast (Hunter/Android/Male): Expert at close-range combat, HUcasts have the strongest attack power potential of any class.
- HUcaseal (Hunter/Android/Female): Close-combat expert with excellent reflexes that give her high accuracy and evasion.
Rangers[edit | edit source]
Proficient with guns, Rangers have excellent accuracy that allow them to hit from a distance, but lack Hunters' attack power.
- RAmar (Ranger/Human/Male): Excels in ranged combat. Has the most balanced set of abilities, and the highest accuracy potential. Has some recovery and attack techniques.
- RAmarl (Ranger/Human/Female): Has low HP, but their high mental strength compensates for it by providing strong attack techniques to support them in ranged combat.
- RAcast (Ranger/Android/Male): Has the greatest attack power potential of the Ranger classes.
- RAcaseal (Ranger/Android/Female): RAcaseals have the greatest defensive power potential of any class.
Forces[edit | edit source]
Proficient with techniques, Forces are excellent as support. Their powerful abilities make up for their low HP.
- FOmar (Force/Human/Male): With low defensive power and low HP, FOmars are challenging to use. Their combination of techniques and quickness in combat make them unique.
- FOmarl (Force/Human/Female): Besides excelling in support techniques, FOmarls are competent with weapons. This gives them a more balanced growth potential.
- FOnewm (Force/Newman/Male): Well-balanced, and excels in numerous techniques. They distinguish themselves with their powerful attack techniques.
- FOnewearl (Force/Newman/Female): Has limited combat skills, but excel in both attack and support techniques. They have the highest mental strength/TP potential of any class.