Towards the Future

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Quest icon.pngTowards the Future
Episode 1
Category: Quest category icon.pngVR
Client: Principal
Info: Challenge the new simulator.
Reward: Normal: 5000
Hard: 10000
Very Hard: 15000
Ultimate: 20000
Author: Sonic Team
Languages: English, Japanese
Total XP

5519 28576 65598 169728

Wishes to have hunters challenge the new simulator
- Quest description

Quest icon.pngTowards the Future is an Episode 1 quest that is colloquially known as a "boss rush." Players proceed through a short number of rooms in the areas Forest 2, Cave 3, Mine 2, and Ruins 3, fighting each area's respective boss to progress to the next area, ending in Dark Falz. Certain enemies in each area can be killed (sometimes after triggering their spawn via special conditions) to advance to the next room faster than if the room was otherwise cleared.

Towards the Future is an extremely popular quest as it offers quick access to every episode 1 boss (including being the fastest method of fighting Dark Falz for hunting Shield icon.pngRed Ring), large amounts of experience, and is easy to clear on a low level character if a higher level character is present to kill the bosses quickly.

Love Check

In Towards the Future, a party of two players (one male, one female) may speak to the FOmarl by the check room before beginning the quest to receive a Love Code, visible in their Quest Board. Once all of Forest is cleared, the players may press the terminal in the first room of Forest to activate the Love Check.

Once the Love Check is activated, the couple must defeat Dark Falz while staying very close to each other. Each second while near (within about 2 meters), the couple's love meter will grow slowly. While not nearby each other, however, it will deplete very rapidly. This meter is not visible on screen and can deplete to zero, ending the Love Check with no reward.

Upon returning to Pioneer 2 after defeating Dark Falz, the Love Check will end, and each player may visit the FOmarl again to obtain the item Tool icon.pngAccessories in their inventory. Accessories may be taken to a Lab assistant in Quest icon.pngRespective Tomorrow (considered the episode 2 "version" of Towards the Future) to trade for a Shield icon.pngGreen Ring.

Any number of Accessories can be obtained through repeat Love Checks per character, and on any difficulty. The trade for the Green Ring, however, can only be done once per character.

Striker of Chao

A Cane icon.pngStriker of Chao can be obtained in this quest if the player has a Cane icon.pngBranch of Pakupaku in their inventory.

Enter the Forest, then return to Pioneer 2 and go to the Medical Center to find a warp which will transport the player to the large waterfall room in Ruins 1. With at least one Branch of Pakupaku in the player's inventory, stand under the waterfall in the large room and remain standing there through a short sequence of dialogue boxes to have the Branch of Pakupaku turn into a Striker of Chao.

A Striker of Chao obtained this way will not have the stats of the Branch of Pakupaku consumed carried over in this process.


After clearing the quest, the players performance is evaluated in a ranking. Based on the ranking, certain items are rewarded to the player. The highest rank, SS-rank, can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Clearing under 30 minutes
  • No deaths
  • Killing either the fewest amount of monsters or the maximum amount of monsters.
    • On Very Hard and Ultimate difficulty, a Shield icon.pngBlack Ring is rewarded by killing the fewest amount of monsters. This can be achieved by walking into hidden rooms to trigger certain spawns or by only killing specific monsters to unlock the next area.
    • On Very Hard and Ultimate difficulty a Shield icon.pngPurple Ring is rewarded by killing the maximum amount of monsters. The additional monster spawns that are triggered by walking into the hidden rooms count towards the maximum.
Note: only one of each ring can be obtained per character.

Enemy Counts

Enemy Count
Dragon 1
De Rol Le 1
Vol Opt 1
Dark Falz 1