Common weapon ATA comparison

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This page serves to provide a quick reference for comparing Hit % values between each tier of common weapons to find equivalent ATA values.

The starting reference point of all tables is a max-tier common weapon (e.g. Sword icon.pngGladius, Gun icon.pngRaygun, Gun icon.pngArms, etc.) with a Hit % value of 50, as these can be obtained (semi-) reliably via purchasing from the Arms Shop (for the Charge special), or from the Episode 4 quest Quest icon.pngThe Restless Lion (for other specials).

Certain rare and/or event weapons (such as TypeM weapons) are also included (when relevant) as some of these weapons perform a similar function to the weapons within the table they are found (e.g. Gun icon.pngBringer's Rifle). More specific details are listed underneath the table.

Because different tiers of common weapons have different photon colors, some players enjoy using lower-tier weaponry for aesthetic purposes (e.g. an Gun icon.pngAutogun, for its blue photon, instead of a Gun icon.pngRaygun, with a yellow photon), but will typically not want to sacrifice performance to do so, which necessitates finding higher Hit % than would otherwise be necessary. For this reason, the tables below only consider "equivalency" to mean "greater than or equal to," and are arranged to reflect this.

  • For example, a Gun icon.pngLaser with 50 Hit % reaches a total ATA of 100. While a Gun icon.pngBlaster with 55 Hit % reaches an ATA of 99, even though it is only 1 ATA below the Laser, it would still be 1 point less effective, therefore a Blaster is only considered equivalent with 60 Hit % instead.
    • The exception to this is weapons that are only available with specific amounts of Hit % (such as enemy weapons and event TypeM weapons), as equivalence values may be more complicated.

Melee weapons


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Sword icon.pngGladius 40 50 (90) 55 (95) 60 (100) 65 (105) 70 (110) 75 (115) 80 (120) 85 (125) 90 (130) 95 (135) 100 (140)
Sword icon.pngPallasch 38 55 (93) 60 (98) 65 (103) 70 (108) 75 (113) 80 (118) 85 (123) 90 (128) 95 (133) 100 (138) -
Sword icon.pngBuster 35 55 (90) 60 (95) 65 (100) 70 (105) 75 (110) 80 (115) 85 (120) 90 (125) 95 (130) 100 (135) -
Sword icon.pngBrand 33 60 (93) 65 (98) 70 (103) 75 (108) 80 (113) 85 (118) 90 (123) 95 (128) 100 (133) - -
Sword icon.pngSaber 30 60 (90) 65 (95) 70 (100) 75 (105) 80 (110) 85 (115) 90 (120) 95 (125) 100 (130) - -


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Sword icon.pngCalibur 25 50 (75) 55 (80) 60 (85) 65 (90) 70 (95) 75 (100) 80 (105) 85 (110) 90 (115) 95 (120) 100 (125)
Sword icon.pngClaymore 23 55 (78) 60 (83) 65 (88) 70 (93) 75 (98) 80 (103) 85 (108) 90 (113) 95 (118) 100 (123) -
Sword icon.pngBreaker 20 55 (75) 60 (80) 65 (85) 70 (90) 75 (95) 80 (100) 85 (105) 90 (110) 95 (115) 100 (120) -
Sword icon.pngGigush 18 60 (78) 65 (83) 70 (88) 75 (93) 80 (98) 85 (103) 90 (108) 95 (113) 100 (118) - -
Sword icon.pngSword 15 60 (75) 65 (80) 70 (85) 75 (90) 80 (95) 85 (100) 90 (105) 95 (110) 100 (115) - -


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Sword icon.pngRipper 28 50 (78) 55 (83) 60 (88) 65 (93) 70 (98) 75 (103) 80 (108) 85 (113) 90 (118) 95 (123) 100 (128)
Sword icon.pngEdge 26 55 (81) 60 (86) 65 (91) 70 (96) 75 (101) 80 (106) 85 (111) 90 (116) 95 (121) 100 (126) -
Sword icon.pngBlade 24 55 (79) 60 (84) 65 (89) 70 (94) 75 (99) 80 (104) 85 (109) 90 (114) 95 (119) 100 (124) -
Sword icon.pngKnife 22 60 (82) 65 (87) 70 (92) 75 (97) 80 (102) 85 (107) 90 (112) 95 (117) 100 (122) - -
Sword icon.pngDagger 20 60 (80) 65 (85) 70 (90) 75 (95) 80 (100) 85 (105) 90 (110) 95 (115) 100 (120) - -


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Sword icon.pngGungnir 32 50 (82) 55 (87) 60 (92) 65 (97) 70 (102) 75 (107) 80 (112) 85 (117) 90 (122) 95 (127) 100 (132)
Sword icon.pngBerdys 29 55 (84) 60 (89) 65 (94) 70 (99) 75 (104) 80 (109) 85 (114) 90 (119) 95 (124) 100 (129) -
Sword icon.pngGlaive 26 60 (86) 65 (91) 70 (96) 75 (101) 80 (106) 85 (111) 90 (116) 95 (121) 100 (126) - -
Sword icon.pngHalbert 23 60 (83) 65 (88) 70 (93) 75 (98) 80 (103) 85 (108) 90 (113) 95 (118) 100 (123) - -
Sword icon.pngPartisan 20 65 (85) 70 (90) 75 (95) 80 (100) 85 (105) 90 (110) 95 (115) 100 (120) - - -


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Sword icon.pngDiska 25 50 (75) 55 (80) 60 (85) 65 (90) 70 (95) 75 (100) 80 (105) 85 (110) 90 (115) 95 (120) 100 (125)
Sword icon.pngSawcer 22 55 (77) 60 (82) 65 (87) 70 (92) 75 (97) 80 (102) 85 (107) 90 (112) 95 (117) 100 (122) -
Sword icon.pngCutter 19 60 (79) 65 (84) 70 (89) 75 (94) 80 (99) 85 (104) 90 (109) 95 (114) 100 (119) - -
Sword icon.pngSpinner 16 60 (76) 65 (81) 70 (86) 75 (91) 80 (96) 85 (101) 90 (106) 95 (111) 100 (116) - -
Sword icon.pngSlicer 13 65 (78) 70 (83) 75 (88) 80 (93) 85 (98) 90 (103) 95 (108) 100 (113) - - -
While a Sword icon.pngTypeSL/Slicer is available with the Charge special, it is not included in this list as it does not fire projectiles, and is therefore not comparable to normal Slicer-type weapons.

Ranged weapons


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Gun icon.pngRaygun 35 50 (85) 55 (90) 60 (95) 65 (100) 70 (105) 75 (110) 80 (115) 85 (120) 90 (125) 95 (130) 100 (135)
Gun icon.pngRailgun 33 55 (88) 60 (93) 65 (98) 70 (103) 75 (108) 80 (113) 85 (118) 90 (123) 95 (128) 100 (133) -
Gun icon.pngLockgun 31 55 (86) 60 (91) 65 (96) 70 (101) 75 (106) 80 (111) 85 (116) 90 (121) 95 (126) 100 (131) -
Gun icon.pngAutogun 29 60 (89) 65 (94) 70 (99) 75 (104) 80 (109) 85 (114) 90 (119) 95 (124) 100 (129) - -
Gun icon.pngHandgun 26 60 (86) 65 (91) 70 (96) 75 (101) 80 (106) 85 (111) 90 (116) 95 (121) 100 (126) - -
Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Hand 45 40 (85) - - - - - - - - - -
Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Mechgun 50 35 (85) - - - - - - - - - -
Both Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Hand and Gun icon.pngTypeGU/Mechgun are available with the Hell, Charge, Berserk, and Spirit specials.


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Gun icon.pngLaser 50 50 (100) 55 (105) 60 (110) 65 (115) 70 (120) 75 (125) 80 (130) 85 (135) 90 (140) 95 (145) 100 (150)
Gun icon.pngBeam 47 55 (102) 60 (107) 65 (112) 70 (117) 75 (122) 80 (127) 85 (132) 90 (137) 95 (142) 100 (147) -
Gun icon.pngBlaster 44 60 (104) 65 (109) 70 (114) 75 (119) 80 (124) 85 (129) 90 (134) 95 (139) 100 (144) - -
Gun icon.pngSniper 41 60 (101) 65 (106) 70 (111) 75 (116) 80 (121) 85 (126) 90 (131) 95 (136) 100 (141) - -
Gun icon.pngRifle 38 65 (103) 70 (108) 75 (113) 80 (118) 85 (123) 90 (128) 95 (133) 100 (138) - - -
Gun icon.pngBringer's Rifle 63 40 (103) n/a 50 (113) - - - - - - - -
Gun icon.pngTypeRI/Rifle 60 40 (100) - - - - - - - - - -
Gun icon.pngHoly Ray 70 30 (100) 35 (105) 40 (110) 45 (115) 50 (120) 55 (125) 60 (130) 65 (135) 70 (140) 75 (145) 80 (150)
Gun icon.pngBringer's Rifle is included in this list for the purpose of comparing to high-hit common Rifles with the Demon's special.
Gun icon.pngTypeRI/Rifle is only available with the Hell special.
Gun icon.pngHoly Ray is included in this list for the purpose of comparing to high-hit common Rifles with the Arrest special.


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Gun icon.pngVulcan 12 50 (62) 55 (67) 60 (72) 65 (77) 70 (82) 75 (87) 80 (92) 85 (97) 90 (102) 95 (107) 100 (112)
Gun icon.pngGatling 9 55 (64) 60 (69) 65 (74) 70 (79) 75 (84) 80 (89) 85 (94) 90 (99) 95 (104) 100 (109) -
Gun icon.pngRepeater 6 60 (66) 65 (71) 70 (76) 75 (81) 80 (86) 85 (91) 90 (96) 95 (101) 100 (106) - -
Gun icon.pngAssault 3 60 (63) 65 (68) 70 (73) 75 (78) 80 (83) 85 (88) 90 (93) 95 (98) 100 (103) - -
Gun icon.pngMechgun 0 65 (65) 70 (70) 75 (75) 80 (80) 85 (85) 90 (90) 95 (95) 100 (100) - - -
Gun icon.pngM&A60 Vise 15 50 (65) 55 (70) 60 (75) 65 (80) 70 (85) 75 (90) 80 (95) 85 (100) 90 (105) 95 (110) 100 (115)
Gun icon.pngTypeME/Mechgun 20 40 (60) - - - - - - - - - -
Gun icon.pngM&A60 Vise is included in this list for the purpose of comparing to high-hit common Mechguns with the Berserk special.
Gun icon.pngTypeME/Mechgun is available with the Charge, Berserk, and Spirit specials.


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Gun icon.pngArms 33 50 (83) 55 (88) 60 (93) 65 (98) 70 (103) 75 (108) 80 (113) 85 (118) 90 (123) 95 (128) 100 (133)
Gun icon.pngLauncher 31 55 (86) 60 (91) 65 (96) 70 (101) 75 (106) 80 (111) 85 (116) 90 (121) 95 (126) 100 (131) -
Gun icon.pngCannon 30 55 (85) 60 (90) 65 (95) 70 (100) 75 (105) 80 (110) 85 (115) 90 (120) 95 (125) 100 (130) -
Gun icon.pngSpread 28 55 (83) 60 (88) 65 (93) 70 (98) 75 (103) 80 (108) 85 (113) 90 (118) 95 (123) 100 (128) -
Gun icon.pngShot 27 60 (87) 65 (92) 70 (97) 75 (102) 80 (107) 85 (112) 90 (117) 95 (122) 100 (127) - -
Gun icon.pngBaranz Launcher 42 40 (82) 50 (92) - - - - - - - - -
Gun icon.pngTypeSH/Shot 40 40 (80) - - - - - - - - - -
Gun icon.pngBaranz Launcher is included in this list for the purpose of comparing to high-hit common Shots with the Charge special; however, it functions differently enough from common shots to warrant considering for more factors than just ATA. See the Baranz Launcher page for details.
Gun icon.pngTypeSH/Shot is available with the Charge, Berserk, and Spirit specials.

Technique weapons


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Cane icon.pngClub 35 50 (85) 55 (90) 60 (95) 65 (100) 70 (105) 75 (110) 80 (115) 85 (120) 90 (125) 95 (130) 100 (135)
Cane icon.pngStick 33 55 (88) 60 (93) 65 (98) 70 (103) 75 (108) 80 (113) 85 (118) 90 (123) 95 (128) 100 (133) -
Cane icon.pngMace 32 55 (87) 60 (92) 65 (97) 70 (102) 75 (107) 80 (112) 85 (117) 90 (122) 95 (127) 100 (132) -
Cane icon.pngCane 30 55 (85) 60 (90) 65 (95) 70 (100) 75 (105) 80 (110) 85 (115) 90 (120) 95 (125) 100 (130) -


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Cane icon.pngStriker 39 50 (89) 55 (94) 60 (99) 65 (104) 70 (109) 75 (114) 80 (119) 85 (124) 90 (129) 95 (134) 100 (139)
Cane icon.pngPillar 38 55 (93) 60 (98) 65 (103) 70 (108) 75 (113) 80 (118) 85 (123) 90 (128) 95 (133) 100 (138) -
Cane icon.pngPole 37 55 (92) 60 (97) 65 (102) 70 (107) 75 (112) 80 (117) 85 (122) 90 (127) 95 (132) 100 (137) -
Cane icon.pngRod 35 55 (90) 60 (95) 65 (100) 70 (105) 75 (110) 80 (115) 85 (120) 90 (125) 95 (130) 100 (135) -


Item Name Base ATA Hit% (Total ATA)
Cane icon.pngScepter 30 50 (80) 55 (85) 60 (90) 65 (95) 70 (100) 75 (105) 80 (110) 85 (115) 90 (120) 95 (125) 100 (130)
Cane icon.pngBaton 28 55 (83) 60 (88) 65 (93) 70 (98) 75 (103) 80 (108) 85 (113) 90 (118) 95 (123) 100 (128) -
Cane icon.pngStaff 27 55 (82) 60 (87) 65 (92) 70 (97) 75 (102) 80 (107) 85 (112) 90 (117) 95 (122) 100 (127) -
Cane icon.pngWand 25 55 (80) 60 (85) 65 (90) 70 (95) 75 (100) 80 (105) 85 (110) 90 (115) 95 (120) 100 (125) -