Weapon drop tables

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When weapons drop in Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst, many of the weapon's statistics, such as what type of weapon it is, whether it has a special or not, and its attribute percents are all determined by a series of rolls performed by the game against various tables, which are listed on this page.

Rare weapons, which are all unique, will skip the first two of these tables when dropped (e.g. a Sword icon.pngDragon Slayer will always be a Sword-type weapon with the Burning special).

Weapons earned as a reward from quests or obtained from NPCs also do not follow the tables below, and will either come with predetermined attributes or follow a different system (e.g. Sword icon.pngOrotiagito will always come without attributes, while a Untekked icon.pngSpecial Weapon obtained from Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop in the lucky roulette may come with anywhere from 0-50 Hit %).

Weapon type drop rates

When a weapon drops, it can be one of twelve common weapon types. Chances differ by the party's Section ID. The table below reflects this.

Weapon type drop rates table: Collapse

Viridia icon.pngViridia Greenill icon.pngGreenill Skyly icon.pngSkyly Bluefull icon.pngBluefull Purplenum icon.pngPurplenum Pinkal icon.pngPinkal Redria icon.pngRedria Oran icon.pngOran Yellowboze icon.pngYellowboze Whitill icon.pngWhitill
Sword icon.pngSaber 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13%
Sword icon.pngSword 6% 1% 13% 7% 3% 6% 7% 8% 7% 6%
Sword icon.pngDagger 7% 10% 7% 6% 10% 7% 1% 13% 7% 6%
Sword icon.pngPartisan 10% 6% 6% 13% 3% 10% 7% 7% 7% 6%
Sword icon.pngSlicer 1% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 10% 6% 7% 13%
Gun icon.pngHandgun 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13%
Gun icon.pngRifle 6% 13% 10% 7% 7% 1% 7% 7% 7% 6%
Gun icon.pngMechgun 6% 7% 1% 7% 13% 7% 7% 7% 7% 10%
Gun icon.pngShot 11% 4% 4% 4% 5% 4% 8% 4% 5% 1%
Cane icon.pngCane 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13%
Cane icon.pngRod 7% 7% 7% 10% 7% 7% 7% 1% 7% 7%
Cane icon.pngWand 7% 7% 7% 1% 7% 13% 7% 8% 7% 6%

Anguish increases the chance for a given weapon or two for each Section ID. The affected weapon types are marked in the table above.

Note: all weapon types, with the exception of sabers, handguns and canes, only start appearing in later areas on Normal difficulty. The availability can be found on the individual weapon type pages.

Area untekked rates and special tiers

When common weapons drop, they have a chance to drop in an unidentified state (e.g. Sword icon.png???? Saber), which requires them to be tekked. Untekked weapons will have a random special attack assigned to them, which are arranged in "tiers," from one to four, based on their star value. Rare weapons always drop untekked and have their own predetermined specials.

For each area in each difficulty, there is a predetermined rate at which any common weapon may drop with a special attack, as well as the maximum tier possible for the special, with both of these listed in the table below.

The section IDs Viridia icon.pngViridia, Greenill icon.pngGreenill, Skyly icon.pngSkyly, Bluefull icon.pngBluefull, and Purplenum icon.pngPurplenum have slightly increased chances for a weapon to drop untekked in some areas, and the chance is further increased if playing in Anguish mode.

In areas with multiple possible special tiers, the chance of each special tier is equal to all other possibilties, which means for an area with a maximum special tier of:

2★: the chance of 1★ and 2★ specials is 50% each;
3★: the chance of 1★, 2★, and 3★ specials is 33% each;
4★: the chance of 1★, 2★, 3★, and 4★ specials is 25% each
Area untekked rates and special tiers table: Collapse

Area Untekked
Special Tier
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 4
Forest 1 VR Temple Alpha - None -
Forest 2 VR Temple Beta - None -
Cave 1 VR Spaceship Alpha Crater East 17% 1★
Cave 2 VR Spaceship Beta Crater West 18%/17% 1★
Cave 3 Jungle Area North Crater South 20%/19% 1★
Mine 1 Jungle Area East Crater North 19%/18% 1★
Mine 2 Mountain Area Crater Interior 20% 1★
Ruins 1 Seaside Area
Central Control Area
Subterranean Desert 1 16% 2★
Ruins 2 Seabed Upper Levels Subterranean Desert 2 18%/17% 2★
Ruins 3 Seabed Lower Levels
Control Tower
Subterranean Desert 3 20%/19% 2★

Area attribute rates

When any weapon drops, it can come with a maximum of three* attributes. To determine which attributes are assigned, the game performs (up to) three rolls for a number between 1 and 100, with the resulting number deciding which attribute is assigned. If more than one roll results in the same attribute, it is assigned "no attribute."

*Note: the rare weapons Sword icon.pngSealed J-Sword and Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent are exceptions to this, and are limited to two attributes due to the nature of their kill counters.

Certain areas in the game are more or less likely to select certain attributes, denoted by the higher percentage chances in the table below. In Episode 1, the general rule is that if monsters of a certain attribute appear in that area, the area favors dropping weapons with that attribute (e.g. Mine 1 and 2 favor the Machine attribute). In contrast, Episodes 2 and 4 do not follow this rule, as no Dark-attribute monsters appear in the Mountain Area, and Episode 4 contains no Machine-attribute monsters at all.

Also in Episode 1, Yellowboze icon.pngYellowboze parties have slightly increased chances for monster attributes, with the specific attribute and bonus depending on area and difficulty.

Once an attribute has been selected by this process, the attribute value is determined by patterns, detailed in the next section.

Area attribute rates table: Collapse

Area pattern selection

After attributes have been selected by the process detailed in the previous section, the actual values must still be determined. To do this, the game performs more rolls against tables of possible untekked attribute values, referred to as "patterns."

Similar to the previous section (area untekked rates and special tiers), each area on each difficulty has a predetermined set of three patterns the game will roll on for up to three attributes. Some patterns, however, in early areas on lower difficulties, will prevent an attributes (or attributes) from being rolled at all. This is denoted by "N" in the table below.

Anguish mode notes:

It is important to note that differing patterns from different areas only apply to common weapons. As shown in the table below, rare weapons, regardless of area or difficulty, will always roll all three potential attributes against pattern 5. For example:

  • If a Sword icon.pngGladius drops in Forest 2 on Ultimate difficulty, the first selected attribute is rolled against pattern 2, the second against pattern 1, and the third against pattern 0.
  • If a Gun icon.pngBravace drops in Subterranean Desert 1 on Hard difficulty, or in Cave 3 on Ultimate difficulty, all selected attributes will be rolled against pattern 5.

The possible values each individual pattern may roll are detailed in the next section.

Area pattern selection table: Collapse

Area Patterns
Forest 1 VR Temple Alpha - 0 N N
Forest 2 VR Temple Beta - 0 N N
Cave 1 VR Spaceship Alpha Crater East 0 N N
Cave 2 VR Spaceship Beta Crater West 1 0 N
Cave 3 Jungle Area North Crater South 1 0 N
Mine 1 Jungle Area East Crater North 1 0 N
Mine 2 Mountain Area Crater Interior 1 0 N
Ruins 1 Seaside Area
Central Control Area
Subterranean Desert 1 2 1 N
Ruins 2 Seabed Upper Levels Subterranean Desert 2 2 1 N
Ruins 3 Seabed Lower Levels
Control Tower
Subterranean Desert 3 2 1 0
Rares (Anywhere) 5 5 5

Pattern attribute values

To select an attribute value from a pattern, the game performs another a roll for a number between 1 and 10,000 on the selected pattern, with the resulting number determining the untekked value of the attribute.

Pattern attribute values begin at 5% on all tables, and, because the weapon will be untekked, will never be higher than 90%. It is not possible to see an attribute value of 95% or 100% on any weapon before tekking--through which they may be increased or decreased by 10.

Once a weapon is identified through tekking, enemy attribute values (but not Hit) may still be increased to a maximum of 100 through Paganini's Exchange in exchange for Tool icon.pngPhoton Drops and/or Tool icon.pngPhoton Spheres.

Pattern attribute values table: Collapse
Values Rates
Pattern 0 Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Pattern 5
5 42.56% 8.97% 4.02% 2.05% 1.02% 29.21%
10 33.24% 19.32% 8.90% 2.11% 1.21% 23.09%
15 15.41% 38.52% 15.32% 10.21% 7.56% 19.08%
20 8.20% 22.19% 36.98% 13.45% 10.11% 13.89%
25 0.50% 9.98% 21.26% 34.52% 16.72% 8.65%
30 0.03% 0.82% 9.72% 21.02% 35.65% 3.10%
35 0.02% 0.11% 3.31% 11.39% 15.68% 1.56%
40 0.02% 0.05% 0.35% 4.76% 9.32% 0.67%
45 0.01% 0.02% 0.07% 0.25% 2.01% 0.42%
50 0.01% 0.01% 0.03% 0.16% 0.41% 0.16%
55 - 0.01% 0.02% 0.03% 0.12% 0.08%
60 - - 0.01% 0.02% 0.07% 0.03%
65 - - 0.01% 0.01% 0.04% 0.01%
70 - - - 0.01% 0.03% 0.01%
75 - - - 0.01% 0.02% 0.01%
80 - - - - 0.01% 0.01%
85 - - - - 0.01% 0.01%
90 - - - - 0.01% 0.01%

Challenge mode

While playing Challenge mode, the game performs many of the same rolls as detailed in previous sections, but with a few significant changes:

  1. Section IDs are ignored;
  2. Higher weapon tiers (e.g. Sword icon.pngSaber vs. Sword icon.pngBrand) may appear earlier than in normal gameplay;
  3. Many of the various rates are significantly increased;
  4. The Tekker is not available, meaning:
    • Weapons with specials are dropped in identified states;
    • The maximum attribute value possible is now 100%;
  5. Patterns 4 and 5, while still present, are not utilized

The tables below reflect these changes.

1. Weapon type drop rates table:
Weapon Type Sword icon.pngSabers Sword icon.pngSwords Sword icon.pngDaggers Sword icon.pngPartisans Sword icon.pngSlicers Gun icon.pngHandguns Gun icon.pngRifles Gun icon.pngMechguns Gun icon.pngShots Cane icon.pngCanes Cane icon.pngRods Cane icon.pngWands
Drop Rate 13% 7% 7% 7% 6% 13% 7% 7% 6% 13% 7% 7%
Area Weapon Tier
Episode 1 Episode 2
Forest 1 VR Temple Alpha Sword icon.pngSaber - - - - Gun icon.pngHandgun - - - Cane icon.pngCane - -
Forest 2 VR Temple Beta Sword icon.pngDagger
Cave 1 VR Spaceship Alpha Sword icon.pngSword Gun icon.pngRifle Cane icon.pngRod
Cave 2 VR Spaceship Beta Sword icon.pngBrand Gun icon.pngAutogun Cane icon.pngStick
Cave 3 Jungle Area North Cane icon.pngWand
Mine 1 Jungle Area East Sword icon.pngKnife Sword icon.pngPartisan Gun icon.pngMechgun
Mine 2 Mountain Area Sword icon.pngBuster Sword icon.pngGigush Gun icon.pngLockgun Gun icon.pngSniper Cane icon.pngMace Cane icon.pngPole
Ruins 1 Seaside Area
Central Control Area
Sword icon.pngSlicer Gun icon.pngShot
Ruins 2 Seabed Upper Levels Cane icon.pngBaton
Ruins 3 Seabed Lower Levels
Control Tower
Sword icon.pngPallasch Sword icon.pngBlade Sword icon.pngHalbert Gun icon.pngRailgun Gun icon.pngAssault Cane icon.pngClub
2. Area tekked rates and special tiers table:
Area Tekked Chance Maximum Special Tier
Forest 1 VR Temple Alpha 18% 1★
Forest 2 VR Temple Beta 22% 1★
Cave 1 VR Spaceship Alpha 28% 1★
Cave 2 VR Spaceship Beta 29% 1★
Cave 3 Jungle Area North 39% 1★
Mine 1 Jungle Area East 30% 2★
Mine 2 Mountain Area 31% 2★
Ruins 1 Seaside Area
Central Control Area
31% 2★
Ruins 2 Seabed Upper Levels 31% 2★
Ruins 3 Seabed Lower Levels
Control Tower
31% 3★
3. Area attribute rates table:
Area Native A.Beast Machine Dark Hit No Attribute
Episode 1
Forest 1
Forest 2
80% - - - 10% 10%
Cave 1
Cave 2
Cave 3
- 80% - - 10% 10%
Mine 1
Mine 2
- - 80% - 10% 10%
Ruins 1
Ruins 2
Ruins 3
- - - 80% 10% 10%
Episode 2
VR Temple Alpha
VR Temple Beta
25% 25% - 25% 15% 10%
VR Spaceship Alpha
VR Spaceship Beta
20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%
Jungle Area North
Jungle Area East
Mountain Area
25% 25% 25% - 15% 10%
Seaside Area
Central Control Area
35% 5% 35% - 15% 10%
Seabed Upper Levels
Seabed Lower Levels
Control Tower
- 20% 20% 35% 15% 10%
4. Area pattern selection table:
Area Patterns
Forest 1 VR Temple Alpha 0 N N
Forest 2 VR Temple Beta 0 N N
Cave 1 VR Spaceship Alpha 0 0 N
Cave 2 VR Spaceship Beta 1 0 N
Cave 3 Jungle Area North 1 0 N
Mine 1 Jungle Area East 1 1 N
Mine 2 Mountain Area 2 1 N
Ruins 1 Seaside Area
Central Control Area
2 1 N
Ruins 2 Seabed Upper Levels 2 2 N
Ruins 3 Seabed Lower Levels
Control Tower
3 2 N
5. Pattern attribute values table:
Percent Pattern 0 Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Pattern 5
5 2% - - - - 1%
10 4% - - - - 2%
15 6% 1% - - - 3%
20 8% 3% 1% - - 4%
25 10% 5% 2% - - 5%
30 13% 6% 3% 1% - 6%
35 13% 7% 5% 2% - 7%
40 12% 10% 6% 3% 1% 8%
45 11% 10% 9% 5% 2% 9%
50 9% 10% 10% 7% 4% 8%
55 7% 10% 10% 9% 5% 7%
60 5% 9% 10% 10% 8% 6%
65 - 9% 10% 12% 9% 7%
70 - 7% 9% 10% 10% 8%
75 - 5% 7% 10% 11% 7%
80 - 3% 6% 9% 12% 6%
85 - 3% 5% 7% 11% 5%
90 - 2% 4% 6% 10% 1%
95 - - 3% 5% 9% -
100 - - - 4% 8% -