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Banners are scrolling text marquees that appear along the top edge of the player's screen. Global banners broadcast to all players are used for Game Master messages, system announcements, and certain rare drops found on the server. Personal banners are used to display results for certain chat commands input by the player, as well as certain info notices.

Global banners

These types of banners will be broadcast to every player currently logged into the server.

  • System announcements: Displays time remaining before the server goes down for planned maintenance. Typically issued automatically 120, 60, 30, 15, 10, 2, 1, and 0 minute(s) before shutdown commences.
  • Game Master messages: Displays a custom message from a Game Master.
  • Daily forecast change announcement: Displays an indicator that the daily forecast's parameters have changed. Issued automatically every day at 00:00 UTC.
    • "You have had a change of fortune."
  • Rare drop announcements: Displays ship, block, player name, item (and potentially untekked Hit), and enemy name for certain extremely rare items listed in the tables below. Certain extremely rare event items, such as Tool icon.pngAnniv. Platinum Badge or any item from the "very rare" tier of Ultimate Tool icon.pngPresent, rewards will also be announced here.
Note: A player may disable their own rare drops from being broadcast to the server and party with the /findprivacy chat command.

Rare drop announcements list

The tables below list all items that will trigger a banner. A few things to note are:

  • The Minimum Hit column represents the weapon's untekked Hit attribute value when it drops.
  • For weapons that require 0 Hit to banner, 20 Hit or greater will also be announced on the banner. 0, 5, 10, and 15 Hit will be omitted in the banner text.
  • Banners will not appear for items that drop from an item box.

Melee weapons

Item Name Minimum Hit
Sword icon.pngAgito (1975) 0
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3064)
Sword icon.pngDB's Saber (3077)
Sword icon.pngEvil Curst
Sword icon.pngFlowen's Sword (3073)
Sword icon.pngFlowen's Sword (3077)
Sword icon.pngLavis Cannon
Sword icon.pngMadam's Parasol
Sword icon.pngNei's Claw
Sword icon.pngSealed J-Sword
Sword icon.pngYasha
Sword icon.pngGalatine 20
Sword icon.pngLame d'Argent
Sword icon.pngDaylight Scar 30
Sword icon.pngVivienne
Sword icon.pngAsteron Belt 40
Sword icon.pngGirasole
Sword icon.pngGuren
Sword icon.pngMonkey King Bar
Sword icon.pngShouren
Sword icon.pngSlicer of Fanatic
Sword icon.pngTwin Blaze
Sword icon.pngYunchang
Sword icon.pngZanba
Sword icon.pngChain Sawd 50
Sword icon.pngDemolition Comet
Sword icon.pngDiska of Braveman
Sword icon.pngFlowen's Sword (3084)
Sword icon.pngRed Sword
Sword icon.pngSange
Sword icon.pngTyrell's Parasol
Sword icon.pngVjaya
Sword icon.pngYamigarasu
Any rare weapon 90

Ranged weapons

Item Name Minimum Hit
Gun icon.pngAngel Harp 0
Gun icon.pngHandgun: Guld
Gun icon.pngHandgun: Milla
Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher
Gun icon.pngNUG2000-Bazooka
Gun icon.pngHeaven Striker 20
Gun icon.pngCannon Rouge 30
Gun icon.pngFrozen Shooter
Gun icon.pngRambling May
Gun icon.pngHoly Ray 40
Gun icon.pngL&K38 Combat
Gun icon.pngOphelie Seize
Gun icon.pngSpread Needle
Gun icon.pngYasminkov 9000M
Gun icon.pngM&A60 Vise 50
Gun icon.pngPanzer Faust
Gun icon.pngYasminkov 7000V
Any rare weapon 90

Technique weapons

Item Name Minimum Hit
Cane icon.pngBluefull Card 0
Cane icon.pngGreenill Card
Cane icon.pngOran Card
Cane icon.pngPinkal Card
Cane icon.pngProphets of Motav
Cane icon.pngPsycho Wand
Cane icon.pngPurplenum Card
Cane icon.pngRedria Card
Cane icon.pngSkyly Card
Cane icon.pngViridia Card
Cane icon.pngWhitill Card
Cane icon.pngYellowboze Card
Cane icon.pngClio 50
Cane icon.pngGuardianna
Any rare weapon 90


Item Name
Shield icon.pngRed Ring
Shield icon.pngS-Parts ver2.01

Weapon hearts

Item Name
Tool icon.pngHeart of Ancient Saber
Tool icon.pngHeart of Angel Harp
Tool icon.pngHeart of Blade Dance
Tool icon.pngHeart of Chameleon Scythe
Tool icon.pngHeart of Crazy Tune
Tool icon.pngHeart of Daisy Chain
Tool icon.pngHeart of DB's Saber
Tool icon.pngHeart of Delsaber's Buster
Tool icon.pngHeart of Diska of Liberator
Tool icon.pngHeart of Egg Blaster
Tool icon.pngHeart of Flamberge
Tool icon.pngHeart of Izmaela
Tool icon.pngHeart of Laconium Axe
Tool icon.pngHeart of Lollipop
Tool icon.pngHeart of Partisan of Lightning
Tool icon.pngHeart of Plantain Huge Fan
Tool icon.pngHeart of Rabbit Wand
Tool icon.pngHeart of Rianov 303SNR
Tool icon.pngHeart of Ruby Bullet
Tool icon.pngHeart of Samba Maracas
Tool icon.pngHeart of Sorcerer's Cane
Tool icon.pngHeart of Soul Banish
Tool icon.pngHeart of Suppressed Gun
Tool icon.pngHeart of Tension Blaster
Tool icon.pngHeart of The Sigh of a God
Tool icon.pngHeart of TypeDS/D.Saber
Tool icon.pngHeart of TypeSS/Swords
Tool icon.pngHeart of Yasminkov 9000M

Technique disks

See Level 30 techniques for more information.

Only level 30 versions of these offensive technique disks result in a banner.

Item Name Technique Disk Level
Foie.pngFoie 30


Item Name
Tool icon.pngAnniv. Platinum Badge
Tool icon.pngBook of Hitogata
Tool icon.pngMagic Stone "Iritista"
Tool icon.pngParasitic Gene "Flow"
Tool icon.pngSyncesta

Personal banners

These types of banners will be displayed exclusively to the player who triggers them.

  • /killcount: Displays kill count as seen by the server for currently equipped sealed items.
Note: Kill count is processed differently on the client and may require server resynchronization via Change Block in order to unseal.
  • /rbr: Displays the current Ragol Boost Road quests.
  • Info announcements: Displays desynchronization warnings to the player if the server and player's client disagree on the player's current inventory, indicating the player to change blocks to resynchronize and avoid further issues or losses.