From Ephinea PSO Wiki
This page is intended to serve as a reference for terminology and abbreviations regularly used in discussion of Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst that may not be familiar to all players.
- "SJS/TJS": Sealed J-Sword/Tsumikiri J-Sword
- "DoB": Diska of Braveman
- "SoF": Slicer of Fanatic
- "FS": Frozen Shooter
- "SN": Spread Needle
- "CR": Cannon Rouge
- "13": Thirteen
- "RR": Red Ring
- "H/Bat": Heavenly/Battle
- "PGF": Parasitic Gene "Flow"
- "PD": Photon Drop
- "PC": Photon Crystal
- "PS": Photon Sphere
- "PH": Photon Hoard
Episode 1
- "TTF": Towards the Future
Episode 2
- "RT": Respective Tomorrow
Episode 4
- "MAE4": Maximum Attack E: Episode 4
- "NMU3": New Mop-Up Operation 3, a quest that is particularly effective both for leveling characters, and hunting Heaven Striker or other Desert drops. It is notable for being a timed quest that includes heated rooms that will continuously damage players, which can make it difficult to complete if the party composition is poor or players are unfamiliar.
- "PoD": Point of Disaster, a quest that quickly leads the party to a fight with Shambertin, making it particularly effective for repeated chances at encountering Kondrieu.
- "CK": Combo kill
- "DMC": Damage cancel
- "RT": "Retrap," for an android player indicating they are about to die intentionally for the purpose of being revived by a Scape Doll, which will restore their Traps. It is said in advance of the death as revival by the Scape Doll can be interrupted by the usage of a Moon Atomizer or the Reverser technique, which will disrupt the process and not restore the player's traps.
- "Twins": Mylla & Youlla
Party names
- "+Fo": The players currently in the party would like a Force to join, usually to provide Shifta/Deband and Jellen/Zalure
- "NoFo": The players currently in the party already include a Force, and would prefer a character of a class other than Force to join
- "Res": "Reserved," indicating a game that is reserved for specific or pre-determined players only
- "B>": Buying
- "S>": Selling
- "T>": Trading
- "A>": Auction
- "PDA>": Photon Drop Auction
- "PC>": Price check
- "Res": "Reserve bid," for the lowest amount a seller will accept to initiate an auction
- "DAR": Drop Anything Rate
- "DAR Week":
- "RDR": Rare Drop Rate
- "RDR Week":