Game mechanics

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Trap Shoot)

Compilation of formulas and other mechanics.

Physical damage

To calculate physical damage (i.e. any damage not resulting from a fire/electric special attack or a Technique):

1. Begin by calculating the equipment ATP EQATP:

EQATP = [WATP,min + (Grind * 2) + FATP + BaATP] x [Watr + 1]

2. Next, calculate the BaseATP:

BaseATP = BaseATP,max - Pvar,max

Note: the game always displays the maximum ATP values in the menu. In reality, each class has a hidden base ATP value to which a random, profession-specific ATP value is added. This base ATP value is of importance for ATP increases through Shifta.pngShifta as seen in step 3 (more detail on Base ATP here).

3. Next, determine your effective ATP by applying the Shifta.pngShifta bonus SA to BaseATP and adding EQATP and Pvar:

ATPeff = [BaseATP + (Wvar * WSpread)] * (1 + SA) + EQATP + Pvar

  • SA = Shifta.pngShifta base power in %
  • Wvar = A random decimal between 0 and 1 for the weapon ATP variance per attack.
  • Wspread = Weapon spread (e.g. a weapon with 300-400 ATP has a spread of 100 ATP)
  • Pvar = Profession variance, a random value between:

4. Next, determine the effective target DFP:

DFPeff = DFPbase * (1 - ZL)

5. Finally, to calculate your damage on an enemy:

Damage = [(ATPeff - DFPeff) / 5] x 0.9 x Attack modifier

  • Attack modifier is:

5a. If the attack is a critical hit, calculate critical damage:

Critical damage = Damage x 1.5

  • The chance for an attack to be a critical hit is calculated with the following formula:

Critical hit rate = [LCK / 5]%

Note: the game doesn't round up damage values and instead truncates them. E.g. if the final calculated damage is 100.92, the real damage output is 100.

Note: the formulas above show that a weapons attribute percentages are only applied to its minimum possible weapon ATP. E.g. if a weapon has 300-400 ATP and 100% in an attribute, the ATP is increased to 600-700 (not 600-800). The variable spread remains a fixed value.


Characters will be knocked down if a single attack does 25% or more of their max HP.


To calculate accuracy:

1. Begin by calculating total ATA:

ATAtotal = ATAbase + WATA + FATA + BaATA

Note: ATAtotal is the ATA value shown ingame (not in brackets) in the menu and thus can be directly determined without the formula above.

2. Next, calculate effective ATA:

ATAeff = ATAtotal * (Attack Type modifier) * (Combo Step modifier)

  • ATAtotal = Total ATA value shown ingame in the Menu (not in brackets)
  • Attack Type modifier is:
    • Normal: 1.0
    • Heavy: 0.7
    • Special: 0.5
  • Combo Step modifier is:
    • First attack: 1.0
    • Second attack: 1.3
    • Third attack: 1.69

3. Next, calculate the enemy's effective EVP:

EVPeff = EVPbase * (Status Effect modifier)

4. Finally, calculate accuracy using the appropriate melee or ranged accuracy formula:

Accuracymelee= ATAeff - (EVPeff * 0.2)
Accuracyranged = ATAeff - (EVPeff * 0.2) - (Distance Penalty)

  • The calculated numbers are percentages. For accuracy values above 100, the given attack hits 100%. For negative values, the attack always misses (0%).
  • Distance Penalty is Distance * 0.33 if the character is a Hunter or Force without Unit icon.pngSmartlink (see Smartlink page for more detail), and 0 otherwise.

The accuracy check does not occur for certain projectiles if the target has moved too far when the projectile reaches the target's hitbox. This distance is 8 units for bullets. If the target has moved towards the player when manual evasion occurs, the "MISS" text is displayed. Certain weapons create attacks with launcher projectiles that do not have a manual evasion check.

Slicer projectiles follow different rules for collision. The projectile must come within 10 units of its intended target's original position for any collision check to occur. When this condition is met, the projectile connects with the target if the distance between the target's hitbox and the slicer's original position is less than the weapon's max distance. Due to consideration of the target's hitbox, slicers rarely experience manual evasion on most enemies.

Projectiles that are both subject to manual evasion and specifically fired at a target will have a lifetime calculated by (Distance to Target) / Speed. It is possible for the game to destroy the projectile before it physically collides with the target's hitbox if the target was pushed back. There will be no "MISS" text in this case. This is commonly seen when using Heavy Attacks with weapons such as Gun icon.pngL&K38 Combat and Gun icon.pngYasminkov 9000M at a distance.


Technique damage formula

[(MST + TBP)/5] x (1.0 + CB + WB + FB + MB) x (1 - RES)

Resta power

Amount healed by Resta.pngResta (including Leilla.pngLeilla Photon Blast):

MST * 0.5 + TBP


Self-Resta example. Note Player 2's HP

Certain techniques, including Resta and other support techniques, have a property whereby their effect can be forced to only be applied to the player who cast the technique, regardless of their level or range. This occurs when an applicable technique--in this case Resta.pngResta--is cast on the first actionable frame after performing an attack or recovering from knockdown; this occurs because techniques, whether offensive or supportive, require a frame to lock-on to targets, and if cast before this can happen, will not affect any targets other than the caster.

By utilizing the quick menu, Self-Resta can be performed reliably. Techniques in the quick menu can be rearranged, allowing Resta to be placed at the top of the list. During the action (attack or knockdown), the quick menu can be opened and Resta can be selected. This way the Resta cast is buffered and the healing is always performed whithin the first available frame (see graphic).

Note: Self-Resta does not work after certain other actions, such as casting techniques.

Self-Resta is useful primarily in parties with Sword icon.pngDark Flow users, as Dark Flow's powerful special attack requires the user's HP to be below a certain threshold. Another use for Self-Resta is to allow other players in the party to exploit set damage attacks for Mag icon.pngMag triggers by manipulating their health, allowing players wishing to recover their health to do so without interfering (or expending recovery items).

Technique Base Power

  • TLv = Technique level
Technique Base Power Formula TP Cost Formula

Lv. 1-15: [50 * (TLv - 1)] + 110
Lv. 16-30: [65 * (TLv - 1)] - 85

[1.3 * (TLv - 1)] + 5

Lv. 1-15: [26 * (TLv - 1)] + 260
Lv. 16-30: [42 * (TLv - 1)] + 30

[0.37 x (TLv - 1)] + 20

Lv. 1-15: [22 * (TLv - 1)] + 350
Lv. 16-30: [21 * (TLv - 1)] + 370

[0.25 * (TLv - 1)] + 30

Lv. 1-15: [50 * (TLv - 1)] + 50
Lv. 16-30: [63 * (TLv - 1)] - 125

[1.2 * (TLv - 1)] + 4

Lv. 1-15: [24 * (TLv - 1)] + 230
Lv. 16-30: [40 * (TLv - 1)]

[0.5 * (TLv - 1)] + 25

Lv. 1-15: [19 * (TLv - 1)] + 400
Lv. 16-30: [15 * (TLv - 1)] + 470

[0.2 * (TLv - 1)] + 35

Lv. 1-15: [50 * (TLv - 1)] + 80
Lv. 16-30: [55 * (TLv - 1)] + 5

[1.1 * (TLv - 1)] + 6

Lv. 1-15: [22 * (TLv - 1)] + 200
Lv. 16-30: [38 * (TLv - 1)] - 30

[0.6 * (TLv - 1)] + 25

Lv. 1-15: [16 * (TLv - 1)] + 450
Lv. 16-30: [8 * (TLv - 1)] + 565

[0.3 * (TLv - 1)] + 35

Lv. 1-15: [75 * (TLv - 1)] + 1180
Lv. 16-30: [60 * (TLv - 1)] + 1400

[1.1 * (TLv - 1)] + 45

Lv. 1-15: [3 * (TLv - 1)] + 27
Lv. 16-30: [2 * (TLv - 1)] + 42

[1.05 * (TLv - 1)] + 30

Lv. 1-30: [5 * (TLv - 1)] + 50

[1.2 * (TLv - 1)] + 15
Anti.pngAnti - [0.5 * (TLv - 1)] + 10
Reverser.pngReverser - 20

Lv. 1-30: [1.3 * (TLv - 1)] + 10
Duration: [10 * (TLv - 1)] + 30

[1.2 * (TLv - 1)] + 15

Lv. 1-30: [1.3 * (TLv - 1)] + 10
Duration: [10 * (TLv - 1)] + 30

[(TLv - 1)] + 10

Lv. 1-30: [1.3 * (TLv - 1)] + 10
Duration: [10 * (TLv - 1)] + 30

[(TLv - 1)] + 10

Lv. 1-30: [1.3 * (TLv - 1)] + 10
Duration: [10 * (TLv - 1)] + 30

[0.5 * (TLv - 1)] + 10
Ryuker.pngRyuker - 10

Special attacks

Main article: Special attacks

(See also: List of weapons with reduced specials)

Trap shooting

Trap shooting with a Handgun
Trapshooting+combo. Note the player facing south on minimap
Twin Blaze trap detonation

Trap icon.pngTrap shooting is a technique that allows a set trap to be detonated almost instantly, making immediate use of its area-of-effect. This powerful tool is exclusive to Androids, making them the best classes for crowd control. Trap shooting is typically performed by setting a trap and immediately using a Normal Attack.pngNormal attack with a Handgun to trigger it.

It can also be executed with other projectile-based weapons like Rifles, Mechguns, or Shots, provided the projectile velocity is high enough to reach and target the trap. Equipment that increases attack speed makes trap shooting slightly easier.

A player’s height also affects the timing window for shooting the trap. Taller characters have a more forgiving timeframe to execute the trap shot, giving male Android classes an advantage over their shorter female counterparts. During character creation, setting height to the maximum can make trap shooting easier.

A unique characteristic of trap shooting is that the player always faces south on the minimap when performing it. This can be strategically exploited by continuing the attack combo into combo step 2 and 3 after triggering the trap, attacking enemies south from the player.

Traps can also be instantly detonated by other party members using Frame icon.pngLieutenant Mantle's Tool icon.pngTrap Vision effect, which allows them to see and target traps set by Android allies. This method is often used by Forces who continuously cast Gifoie.pngGifoie. The wide area-of-effect of Gifoie ensures any trap within its range detonates immediately, enabling instant crowd control.

A more precise method, offering greater control for Androids, is utilizing Sword icon.pngTwin Blaze's Gifoie.pngGifoie special. The low-level Gifoie cast by Twin Blaze lingers near the user, allowing for immediate trap detonation. With an understanding of enemy spawn patterns, Gifoie can be prepared in advance. When enemies appear, a trap can be set and detonated instantly, providing immediate crowd control and creating an attack window.

Frame data

  • Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst runs at 30 frames per second ("FPS")
  • See Game mechanics/Frame data for individual weapon/technique frame data