Gigobooma's Right Arm

From Ephinea PSO Wiki
(Redirected from Gigobooma right arm)
Tool icon.pngGigobooma's Right Arm
Body part of an enemy.
It is said that someone can turn it into a weapon.
Enemy part
Max Stack

Tool icon.pngGigobooma's Right Arm is an enemy part obtainable exclusively from killing Gigobooma.


Gigobooma's Right Arm can be converted into Sword icon.pngGigobooma's Claw by completing the Episode 1 side story quest Quest icon.pngDoc's Secret Plan, then speaking to Montague on Pioneer 2 in either of the side story quests Quest icon.pngDr. Osto's Research or Quest icon.pngUnsealed Door.


Enemy Drops

Section ID Difficulty Enemy Drop Rate
Skyly Very Hard Gigobooma 1/366
Redria Very Hard Gigobooma 1/183
Yellowboze Very Hard Gigobooma 1/183
Whitill Very Hard Gigobooma 1/183