
From Ephinea PSO Wiki
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This article is about the item type. If you are looking for material plans for characters, please see the appropriate class guide.

Tool icon.pngMaterials are tools that permanently add stats to a character. All characters have limits on material usage: HP and TP (if applicable) materials are limited to 125 each, and all other materials have a combined limit of either 250 for humans or 150 for androids and newmans.

Item Name Usage Stack Limit
Tool icon.pngHP Material Adds 2 max HP 99
Tool icon.pngTP Material Adds 2 max TP 99
Tool icon.pngPower Material Adds 2 base ATP 99
Tool icon.pngDef Material Adds 2 base DFP 99
Tool icon.pngMind Material Adds 2 base MST 99
Tool icon.pngEvade Material Adds 2 base EVP 99
Tool icon.pngLuck Material Adds 2 base LCK 99

Resetting materials

A character's material usage can be reset to zero by using the /matreset chat command twice in the Visual Lobby. Using this command will reset material usage for Power, Def, Mind, Evade, and Luck materials. HP and TP materials are not affected.


Tool icon.pngMaterials can drop from Monsters or Item boxes in every area (with the exception of some early areas on Normal difficulty). However, on some areas and difficulties, only a certain set of Materials drop, while consecutive areas drop the remaining set of Materials.

When a monster's roll to drop anything is successful, there is a 1/3 chance of the item dropping as a Tool icon.pngTool. The chance of obtaining Tools from item boxes depend on area and difficulty. The highest drop rates for Materials are on Ultimate difficulty. The following table shows the estimated drop rates of all Materials across all Section IDs in Ultimate difficulty.

Monsters Power Material Evade Material Defense Material Mind Material HP Material Luck Material
Forest 1
Hildelt 1/119 1/178 - 1/1424
Hildetorr 1/156 1/235 - 1/1878
Mothvert 1/402 1/603 - 1/4823
El Rappy 1/101 1/152 - 1/1218
Pal Rappy 1/170 1/254 - 1/2035
Gulgus 1/338 1/506 - 1/4051
Gulgus-Gue 1/223 1/335 - 1/2679
Bartle 1/338 1/507 - 1/4056
Barble 1/266 1/399 - 1/3190
Tollaw 1/287 1/430 - 1/3442
Item box 1/334 1/501 - 1/4007
Forest 2
Hildelt - 1/178 1/119 1/1424
Hildetorr - 1/235 1/156 1/1878
Mothvert - 1/603 1/402 1/4823
El Rappy - 1/152 1/101 1/1218
Pal Rappy - 1/254 1/170 1/2035
Gulgus - 1/506 1/338 1/4051
Gulgus-Gue - 1/335 1/223 1/2679
Bartle - 1/507 1/338 1/4056
Barble - 1/399 1/266 1/3190
Tollaw - 1/430 1/287 1/3442
Item box - 1/504 1/336 1/4030