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====={{Quest link|Maximum Attack E: Crater}}=====
====={{Quest link|Maximum Attack E: Crater}}=====
Maximum Attack E: Desert is an [[Quests#Event|event]] quest located in Episode 4. It is available for play during the [[Anniversary event]]. Clearing the quest awards 1 {{Tool|rare|Anniv. Silver Badge}} to the player.
Maximum Attack E: Desert is an [[Quests#Event|event]] quest located in Episode 4. It is available for play during the [[Anniversary event]]. Clearing the quest awards 1 {{Tool|rare|Anniv. Silver Badge}} to the player.

Revision as of 17:43, 7 February 2025

Many quests offer item rewards upon completion, in addition to Meseta. The rewards often vary depending on the difficulty level. This page provides an overview and lists all quests that grant item rewards beyond Meseta. Certain quests in the Event and Shop categories offer numerous item rewards, which have been excluded to keep the list more concise. More information can be found on the individual quest page.

Episode 1


Quest icon.png1-3:Subterranean Den
Class Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Hunter Sword icon.pngSword +5 Sword icon.pngBreaker +5 Sword icon.pngCalibur +5 Sword icon.pngDragon Slayer (25% A.Beast, 25 Hit)
Ranger Gun icon.pngRifle +5 Gun icon.pngBlaster +5 Gun icon.pngLaser +5 Gun icon.pngJusty-23ST (25% A.Beast, 25 Hit)
Force Disk icon.pngResta LV3 disk Disk icon.pngResta LV8 disk Disk icon.pngResta LV13 disk Disk icon.pngResta LV23 disk
Quest icon.png2-4:Waterway Shadow
Class Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Hunter Sword icon.pngBlade +10 Sword icon.pngEdge +10 Sword icon.pngRipper +10 Sword icon.pngCross Scar (25% Machine, 25 Hit)
Ranger Gun icon.pngMechgun +9 Gun icon.pngRepeater +15 Gun icon.pngVulcan +9 Gun icon.pngL&K14 Combat (25% Machine, 25 Hit)
Force Disk icon.pngShifta & Disk icon.pngJellen LV4 Disk icon.pngShifta & Disk icon.pngJellen LV9 Disk icon.pngShifta & Disk icon.pngJellen LV14 Disk icon.pngShifta & Disk icon.pngJellen LV24
Quest icon.png3-3:Central Control
Class Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Hunter Sword icon.pngSlicer +15 Sword icon.pngCutter +15 Sword icon.pngDiska +10 Sword icon.pngDiska of Braveman (25% Dark, 25 Hit)
Ranger Gun icon.pngShot +15 Gun icon.pngCannon +15 Gun icon.pngArms +10 Gun icon.pngFinal Impact (25% Dark, 25 Hit)
Force Disk icon.pngDeband & Disk icon.pngZalure LV5 Disk icon.pngDeband & Disk icon.pngZalure LV10 Disk icon.pngDeband & Disk icon.pngZalure LV15 Disk icon.pngDeband & Disk icon.pngZalure LV25

Side Story

Quest icon.pngSoul of a Blacksmith

If you return to Ozwald with a Miwonite, a Dragon Fang and at least one Mineral, he will offer to create a weapon for you.
The weapon you receive depends on the Mineral you give him and the weapon type you select.

Red Mineral
Weapon Chosen
Blade Fire Sword
Gun Fire Rifle
Staff Fire Rod
Green Mineral
Weapon Chosen
Blade Frost Sword
Gun Frost Rifle
Staff Frost Rod
Blue Mineral
Weapon Chosen Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Blade placeholder norm Sword icon.pngStorm Cutter placeholder vhard Sword icon.pngGod Hand
Gun Gun icon.pngHavoc Mechgun Gun icon.pngStorm Cannon placeholder vhard Gun icon.pngSuppressed Gun
Staff placeholder norm placeholder hard placeholder vhard Cane icon.pngTechnical Crozier
Quest icon.pngSeek my Master

Sword icon.pngOrotiagito can be obtained in this quest by talking to the Tekker near the bank with Sword icon.pngAgito (1975) in the inventory. This can only be done once per character.

Maximum Attack

Quest icon.pngMAXIMUM ATTACK 1 Ver2
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngBeach Laughter
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 3 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 6 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 9 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 10 tickets (MAX Kills)
  • Earn the Character Heart for Quest icon.pngBeach Laughter
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1A-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 3 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 6 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 9 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 12 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1B-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 4 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 7 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 10 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 13 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1C-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 5 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 8 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 11 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 14 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -1R-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 5 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 8 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 11 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 14 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Episode 1
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 1 ticket
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 3 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 6 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 13 tickets


Quest icon.pngRappy's Holiday

In this quest, the player will earn points by playing minigames in Forest 1. Depending on accumulated points, an aesthetic effect will be visible on the character while on Pioneer 2. The maximum point value is 250.

  • 0-9 points: No effect
  • 10-29 points: Orange glow
  • 30-59 points: Skyish glow
  • 60-99 points: Fire effect
  • 100-199 points: Gold stars rising
  • 200-250 points: Sonic circles

The available minigames are as follows:

Game Cost Prize(s)

Rappy Festival
Switch Lottery

3 points Materials
(incl. Tool icon.pngTP Material);
10 points
Glow Ball Race 500 Meseta 5 points
Chicken Race 3 points ?? points
Find Rappy
Catch the Glow Ball
Stamp Rally
Fukki Sidequest


Quest icon.pngChristmas Event Shop

The Christmas Event Shop is a shop quest in Episode 1. In this quest, players may exchange Tool icon.pngCoal received from the Christmas event-exclusive quests or Tool icon.pngPresents with The Hunter NPC located near the check room for more Presents.

This quest remains available year-long, and may be used to trade Coal for Presents even outside of the Christmas event.

Quest icon.pngAnniversary Badge Shop

The Anniversary Badge Shop is one of the featured quests during the annual Anniversary event. This quest features numerous shops at which players can trade in their Anniversary Badges for various items.

This quest is available at all times, and may still be accessed even after the Anniversary event has concluded.

Quest icon.pngThe Forge

The Forge is an item exchange quest in Episode 1. This quest allows players to exchange various items for platings, which can be used on a Shield icon.pngRed Ring to grant it the appearance of various other shields. It is also the source for the Tool icon.pngDivine Filter and Tool icon.pngLock-on Filter, which may be used on Gun icon.pngHeaven Punisher and Gun icon.pngMille Marteaux.

Tool icon.pngNeutralizer and Tool icon.pngRed Paint can also be obtained from this quest for free, for the purpose of reverting skinned items to their original appearance.


Quest icon.pngTowards the Future

Love Check: In Towards the Future, a party of two players (one male, one female) may speak to the FOmarl by the check room before beginning the quest to receive a Love Code, visible in their Quest Board. Once all of Forest is cleared, the players may press the terminal in the first room of Forest to activate the Love Check.

Once the Love Check is activated, the couple must defeat Dark Falz while staying very close to each other. Each second while near (within about 2 meters), the couple's love meter will grow slowly. While not nearby each other, however, it will deplete very rapidly. This meter is not visible on screen and can deplete to zero, ending the Love Check with no reward.

Upon returning to Pioneer 2 after defeating Dark Falz, the Love Check will end, and each player may visit the FOmarl again to obtain the item Tool icon.pngAccessories in their inventory. Accessories may be taken to a Lab assistant in Quest icon.pngRespective Tomorrow (considered the episode 2 "version" of Towards the Future) to trade for a Shield icon.pngGreen Ring.

Any number of Accessories can be obtained through repeat Love Checks per character, and on any difficulty. The trade for the Green Ring, however, can only be done once per character.

Striker of Chao: A Cane icon.pngStriker of Chao can be obtained in this quest if the player has a Cane icon.pngBranch of Pakupaku in their inventory.

Enter the Forest, then return to Pioneer 2 and go to the Medical Center to find a warp which will transport the player to the large waterfall room in Ruins 1. With at least one Branch of Pakupaku in the player's inventory, stand under the waterfall in the large room and remain standing there through a short sequence of dialogue boxes to have the Branch of Pakupaku turn into a Striker of Chao.

A Striker of Chao obtained this way will not have the stats of the Branch of Pakupaku consumed carried over in this process.

SS-rank: After clearing the quest, the players performance is evaluated in a ranking. Based on the ranking, certain items are rewarded to the player. The highest rank, SS-rank, can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Clearing under 30 minutes
  • No deaths
  • Killing either the fewest amount of monsters or the maximum amount of monsters.
    • On Very Hard and Ultimate difficulty, a Shield icon.pngBlack Ring is rewarded by killing the fewest amount of monsters. This can be achieved by walking into hidden rooms to trigger certain spawns or by only killing specific monsters to unlock the next area.
    • On Very Hard and Ultimate difficulty a Shield icon.pngPurple Ring is rewarded by killing the maximum amount of monsters. The additional monster spawns that are triggered by walking into the hidden rooms count towards the maximum.
Note: only one of each ring can be obtained per character.
Quest icon.pngTyrell's Ego

If a party manages to defeat every single enemy in the quest in under one hour, they will be rewarded with an Shield icon.pngAnti-Dark Ring. This reward is once per character, and is obtained by talking to Irene after defeating Dark Falz for a total of 1055 enemies killed. The current kill counter appears as a scrolling text. Players can verify if it says 1054 enemies defeated before entering the boss teleporter to Dark Falz.

One Chaos Bringer in Ruins 3 does not spawn in this quest. That enemy is not included in the requirement for Anti-Dark Ring.

A guide for obtaining Anti-Dark Ring can be found here.

Solo Only

Quest icon.pngGallon's Plan

In Gallon's Plan Tool icon.pngPhoton Ticket's can be obtained. The tickets can be traded for items by speaking to Hopkins near the bank.

  • 1 Photon Ticket on Normal and Hard difficulty is awarded by answering "yes" to Alicia.
  • 2 Photon Tickets on Very Hard and Ultimate difficulty are awarded by answering "yes" to Alicia.
Photon Tickets Item
10 Cane icon.pngKan'ei Tsuho
15 Cane icon.pngLollipop
20 Frame icon.pngStealth Suit
Quest icon.pngAOL CUP -Sunset Base-

After finishing the quest by freeing the bosses' wife, a side quest can be completed to earn Tool icon.pngCell of Mag 502.

This reward can only be received on Hard difficulty or above and only once per character.

  1. Instead of returning to Pioneer 2, turn around and backtrack to the warp. It should take you back to the southeast corner of the map.
  2. After warping, go east to the Rappy (Tailor Rappy) sitting where 4 boxes spawn. Talk to them and exhaust their dialogue to get "Pretty Clothes".
  3. Now go west one room, then head northeast to the room that usually has the glowing interactable pillar and boxes during forest exploration. You should find a Rappy named Rapyos there.
  4. Talk to Rapyos and select the following dialogue options:
    1. Allow to confide.
    2. Try something else.
  5. Leave Rapyos' room and head west, through the laser grid to find another Rappy named Rapymes.
  6. Talk to Rapymes and select the following dialogue options:
    1. Ask questions
    2. Isn't the weather nice?
    3. Give Clothes
  7. Talk to Rapymes again and select the following dialogue option:
    1. Do you like anyone?
  8. Return to Rapyos and talk to him. Select the following dialogue options"
    1. Allow to confide.
    2. Try being less vague.
    3. Um... needs work.
    4. That's just fine!
  9. Return to Rapymes and deliver the letter. Exhaust her dialogue.
  10. Return Rapyos and talk to him. He will then reward you with Tool icon.pngCell of Mag 502.

A video guide can be found here.


Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E1)

This quest rewards 1, 2, or 4 Tool icon.pngCoal depending on the difficulty.

Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster 1

This quest rewards 2, 3, 4, or 6 Tool icon.pngCoal depending on the difficulty.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Forest

Maximum Attack E: Forest is an event quest located in Episode 1. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Cave

Maximum Attack E: Cave is an event quest located in Episode 1. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Mine

Maximum Attack E: Mine is an event quest located in Episode 1. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Ruins

Maximum Attack E: Ruins is an event quest located in Episode 1. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngAugust Atrocity 1

August Atrocity 1 is an event quest located in Episode 1. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 2 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Episode 2


Quest icon.png5-5:Test/VR Temple 5
Class Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Hunter Sword icon.pngPallasch +10 Sword icon.pngGladius +10 Sword icon.pngDurandal +10 Sword icon.pngPhoton Claw +10 (50 Hit)
Ranger Sword icon.pngPallasch +10 Sword icon.pngGladius +10 Sword icon.pngDurandal +10 Gun icon.pngWals-MK2 (50 Hit)
Force Disk icon.pngFoie LV8 Disk icon.pngGifoie LV13 Disk icon.pngRafoie LV16 Sword icon.pngDouble Saber (50 Hit)
Quest icon.png6-5:Test/Spaceship 5
Class Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Hunter Gun icon.pngRailgun +15 Gun icon.pngRaygun +15 Gun icon.pngBravace +15 Sword icon.pngVjaya (40 Hit)
Ranger Gun icon.pngRailgun +15 Gun icon.pngRaygun +15 Gun icon.pngBravace +15 Gun icon.pngMeteor Smash (40 Hit)
Force Disk icon.pngBarta LV10 Disk icon.pngGibarta LV15 Disk icon.pngRabarta LV18 Sword icon.pngBrave Hammer (40 Hit)
Quest icon.png7-5:Isle of Mutants
Class Difficulty
Normal Hard Very Hard Ultimate
Hunter Sword icon.pngBerdys +20 Sword icon.pngGungnir +10 Sword icon.pngMusashi +20 Sword icon.pngYamato (30 Hit)
Ranger Sword icon.pngBerdys +20 Sword icon.pngGungnir +10 Gun icon.pngPhoton Launcher +9 Gun icon.pngGuilty Light (30 Hit)
Force Disk icon.pngZonde LV12 Disk icon.pngGizonde LV17 Disk icon.pngRazonde LV20 Sword icon.pngMahu (30 Hit)


Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World 1

After completing the quest, talk to Nol for an additional reward of Lucky Coins (1 in Normal to Very hard difficulties, 1-4 in Ultimate based on the amount of players in the quest).

Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World 2

After completing the quest, talk to Nol for an additional reward of Lucky Coins (1 in Normal to Very hard difficulties, 1-4 in Ultimate based on the amount of players in the quest).

Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World 3

After completing the quest, talk to Nol for an additional reward of Lucky Coins (1 in Normal to Very hard difficulties, 1-4 in Ultimate based on the amount of players in the quest).

Quest icon.pngPhantasmal World 4

After completing the quest, talk to Nol for an additional reward of Lucky Coins (1 in Normal to Very hard difficulties, 1-4 in Ultimate based on the amount of players in the quest).

Maximum Attack

Quest icon.pngMAXIMUM ATTACK 2 Ver2
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngSinging by the Beach
  • Max Solo kills: 682, Min Kills: 193 (2 Player Max Kills: 872, 3 Player Max Kills: 967, 4 Player Max Kills: 1029)
  • Under 200: 2 Tickets
  • Over 200: 3 Tickets
  • Over 300: 4 Tickets
  • Over 400: 5 Tickets
  • Over 500: 7 Tickets
  • Over 600: 10 Tickets
  • Over 700: 13 Tickets
  • Over 800: 15 Tickets
  • Over 900: 18 Tickets
  • Over 1000: ?? Tickets
  • Max 1029: ?? Tickets
  • Earn the ID Heart for Quest icon.pngBeach Laughter
Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2A-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 3 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 6 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 9 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 12 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2B-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 4 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 7 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 10 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 13 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2C-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 5 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 8 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 11 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 14 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -2R-
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 5 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 8 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 11 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 14 tickets

Note: Death will result in the loss of two Tickets if revived by a member of your party. Being revived by a Tool icon.pngScape Doll will prevent this.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: VR
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 1 tickets
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 2 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 4 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 9 tickets


Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop

Gallon's Shop is a quest that serves as a "hub" for the following activities and features:

  • Unlocking Wrapping Paper Colors
    • Showing an NPC outside of Gallon's Shop presents to unlock more wrapping paper colors
Quest icon.pngItem Present

Item Present is a quest located in Episode 2, under the Shop category. In this quest, players may trade an Tool icon.pngItem Ticket for any one of an assortment of items. All items cost one Item Ticket:

Note: Items listed in bold are exclusive to this quest, with the exception of some that were distributed through past Ephinea events.
Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-

To The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue- is a quest located in Episode 2, under the Shop category. In this quest, players may spend MA4 Tickets at the terminal in Seabed to obtain various prizes. Each usage of the roulette terminal costs five MA4 Tickets, and prizes are determined randomly.

Grand prizes are awarded in the order shown in the table below. Upon rolling the grand prize for the first time and obtaining the Frame icon.pngSamurai Armor, an alternate prize table is used. Upon rolling the grand prize for the second time and obtaining Sword icon.pngGirasole, the original drop table is restored for all subsequent rolls.

If no grand prizes have been obtained, or Sword icon.pngGirasole has already been obtained, this prize table is used:

Chance Prize Item received
47% 5th Tool icon.pngMonogrinder (50%)
Tool icon.pngDigrinder (25%)
Tool icon.pngTrigrinder (25%)
24% 4th Tool icon.pngPower Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngDef Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngMind Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngEvade Material (25%)
11% 3rd Tool icon.pngHP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngTP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngLuck Material (33%)
11% 2nd Meseta icon.png200,000 Meseta
7% Grand Frame icon.pngSamurai Armor (Once)
Unit icon.pngFriend Ring (Once)
Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal (Once)
Tool icon.pngPhoton Drop

After Frame icon.pngSamurai Armor has been obtained and until Sword icon.pngGirasole is obtained, the following alternate prize table is used:

Chance Prize Item received
60% 5th Tool icon.pngMonogrinder (50%)
Tool icon.pngDigrinder (25%)
Tool icon.pngTrigrinder (25%)
20% 4th Tool icon.pngPower Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngDef Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngMind Material (25%)
Tool icon.pngEvade Material (25%)
10% 3rd Tool icon.pngHP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngTP Material (33%)
Tool icon.pngLuck Material (33%)
7% 2nd Meseta icon.png200,000 Meseta
3% Grand Sword icon.pngGirasole (Once)
Quest icon.pngThe Egg Shop

The Egg Shop is a shop quest in Episode 2. In this quest, there are three NPCs that the player can trade their Tool icon.pngEvent Eggs with for varying rewards.


Quest icon.pngRespective Tomorrow

Similar to Quest icon.pngTowards the Future, players will be assigned a rank at the end of the quest based on the party's overall performance. Obtaining the highest rank, SS, while completing the WIS sidequest, will earn the player various rewards. The SS-rank requirements are:

  • Defeat Olga Flow in under 40 minutes.
  • Have no more than 4 deaths in total.
Leo Grahart awarding the Works Guard

Works sidequest: Once the quest has been initiated, players may return to the Tool icon.pngTelepipe area of Pioneer 2 and speak with a soldier NPC beside the ramp to accept the sidequest.

Once accepted, 30 glowing orbs (called "WIS") will be placed throughout the quest (six in each area, including the Control Tower) that the party must collect.

After defeating Olga Flow, the party will be returned to Pioneer 2 automatically and be instructed to speak with the NPC at the counter next to Natasha to receive their rank.

If all 30 WIS were collected and an SS rank was achieved, the player may return to the soldier NPC to initiate a cutscene involving Leo Grahart, who will reward the player with a prize based on how many times this sidequest has been cleared.

The rewards are as follows:

Clear # Reward
1 Shield icon.pngCustom Barrier ver.OO (Max stats)
2 Frame icon.pngCustom Frame ver.OO (Max stats)
3 Gun icon.pngCustom Ray ver.OO (50% Hit)
4 Shield icon.pngWorks Guard
5+ Tool icon.pngScape Doll
Note: If the party fails to collect all 30 WIS or achieve a rank of SS, the player will be rewarded a Tool icon.pngScape Doll instead.
Note: The serial number to be picked must be between 05000-29999 when receiving the Works Guard.

Green Ring: After defeating Olga Flow, a player may speak with the Lab assistant to the right of the Warp to Pioneer 2 to trade one Tool icon.pngAccessories (obtained from the Love Check in Quest icon.pngTowards the Future) for a Shield icon.pngGreen Ring. This trade may be done on any difficulty, but only once per character. Note that only players that participated in the Olga Flow fight will be able to make the Shield icon.pngGreen Ring trade.


Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E2)

This quest rewards 1, 2, 3, or 6 Tool icon.pngCoal depending on the difficulty.

Quest icon.pngDecember Disaster 2

This quest rewards 2, 3, 5, or 8 Tool icon.pngCoal depending on the difficulty.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Temple

Maximum Attack E: Temple is an event quest located in Episode 2. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Spaceship

Maximum Attack E: Spaceship is an event quest located in Episode 2. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: CCA

Maximum Attack E: CCA is an event quest located in Episode 2. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Seabed

Maximum Attack E: Seabed is an event quest located in Episode 2. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Tower

Maximum Attack E: Tower is an event quest located in Episode 2. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngAugust Atrocity 2

August Atrocity 2 is an event quest located in Episode 2. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 2 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Episode 4

Side Story

Quest icon.pngThe Restless Lion
The Restless Lion route

The Restless Lion is an episode 4 quest that is unique for featuring multiple enemy NPCs wielding various common weapons, and, when defeated, give the player the option to take the weapons they held.

In Ultimate difficulty, these weapons will have 50% in two enemy damage attributes, and 0%, 30% or 50% in the hit attribute, with a 2.97% chance for the hit attribute to be 50%. This makes Restless Lion a popular method of obtaining both common weapons with high-tier specials, or a Calibur with high enemy attribute percents (which is a good base Calibur for making Sword icon.pngDark Flow), along with 50% hit.

Each enemy Hunter in Restless Lion has a predetermined common weapon type the use, which can be picked up on their death. The weapon's tier and attributes depend on difficulty level and RNG.

Hunter and Ranger weapons drop at Blue Photon (1 star) version, while Force weapons drop at Green Photon (0 star) version. All weapons dropped will have 2 enemy type attributes at 10% each, and the following hit attribute:

Chance Value
70.3% 0%
26.73% 5%
2.97% 10%

The weapon will have one of the following specials:

Chance Special
29.7% None
23.4% Burning
23.4% Tempest
23.4% Blizzard

Quest icon.pngBlack Paper's Dangerous Deal

Black Paper's Dangerous Deal is an Episode 4 quest only accessible in One Person Mode. In this quest, the player offers one Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal to Sue in exchange for access to one of three arenas, each featuring a different enemy type.

Completion of one of the arenas will grant the player a set number of rewards, with the rewards dependent on the arena chosen and difficulty.

None of the enemies in this quest can drop any items.

Quest icon.pngBlack Paper's Dangerous Deal 2

Black Paper's Dangerous Deal 2 is an Episode 4 quest only accessible in One Person Mode. Like its predecessor, the player offers one Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal to Sue to access an enemy arena. Unlike the original quest, only one arena features in Black Paper's Dangerous Deal 2, which features all enemy types in the Subterranean Desert, including multiple rare enemies.

None of the enemies in this quest can drop any items. Scape Dolls will not function in this quest; any death, even with a doll in your inventory, will result in failure.

The amount of rewards earned depends on the difficulty: 1 for Normal and Hard, 2 for Very Hard and Ultimate. Unlike the original quest, there are no junk items. Any drops from this quest will have 0% in all attributes for weapons, and minimum stats for all frames and barriers.

Note: Items listed in bold can only be obtained from this quest.


Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation 1

Sword icon.pngRacket can be obtained after clearing the quest on Ultimate. Only one Racket may be obtained this way per character. Subsequent clears on Ultimate will reward a Tool icon.pngScape Doll.

Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation 2

Sword icon.pngTree Clippers can be obtained after clearing the quest on Ultimate. Only one Tree Clippers may be obtained this way per character. Subsequent clears on Ultimate will reward a Tool icon.pngScape Doll.

Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation 3

Sword icon.pngSynthesizer can be obtained after clearing the quest on Ultimate. Only one Synthesizer may be obtained this way per character. Subsequent clears on Ultimate will reward a Tool icon.pngScape Doll.

Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation 4

Sword icon.pngShichishito can be obtained after clearing the quest on Ultimate. Only one Shichishito may be obtained this way per character. Subsequent clears on Ultimate will reward a Tool icon.pngScape Doll.

Quest icon.pngNew Mop-Up Operation 5

Frame icon.pngDirty Lifejacket can be obtained after clearing the quest on Ultimate. Only one Dirty Lifejacket may be obtained this way per character. Subsequent clears on Ultimate will reward a Tool icon.pngScape Doll.

Maximum Attack

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4A-

Finishing the quest rewards MA4 tickets.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4B-

Finishing the quest rewards MA4 tickets.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4C-

Finishing the quest rewards MA4 tickets.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack 4th Stage -4R-

Finishing the quest rewards MA4 tickets.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Episode 4
  • Lucky Tickets: Quest icon.pngTo The Deepest Blue -MA4 Venue-
  • Normal Max tickets earned: 1 ticket
  • Hard Max tickets earned: 3 tickets
  • Very Hard Max tickets earned: 6 tickets
  • Ultimate Max tickets earned: 13 tickets


Quest icon.pngClaire's Deal 5

Claire's Deal 5 is a quest located in Episode 4, under the Shop category. In this quest, players may trade sets of specific items to the client NPC, Claire, in exchange for other unique items.


Quest icon.pngChristmas Fiasco (E4)

This quest rewards 1, 2, or 6 Tool icon.pngCoal depending on the difficulty.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Desert

Maximum Attack E: Crater is an event quest located in Episode 4. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.

Quest icon.pngMaximum Attack E: Crater

Maximum Attack E: Desert is an event quest located in Episode 4. It is available for play during the Anniversary event. Clearing the quest awards 1 Tool icon.pngAnniv. Silver Badge to the player.