Photon Crystal

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Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal
Ultimate purest crystal Photon.
There is someone who needs this...
Max Stack

Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystal (commonly abbreviated "PC") is a rare tool that can be given to either Sue or Dr. Montague in exchange for their services:

Adding Hit to enemy weapons

It is possible to add Hit % to enemy weapons (and only enemy weapons) despite the attribute not being eligible for increase through Paganini's Exchange in Quest icon.pngGallon's Shop. To add hit % to enemy weapons, a character must speak with Dr. Montague in the episode 4 quest Quest icon.pngClaire's Deal 5 after unlocking the feature through a sidequest present in the government quest Quest icon.png9-5:The Chosen (1/2).

Once the sidequest is completed, speaking to Dr. Montague in Claire's Deal 5 with an enemy weapon in the inventory will have him offer to further enhance the weapon through a process requiring Tool icon.pngPhoton Crystals. This process involves giving Dr. Montague an increasing number of Photon Crystals (starting with one) for a decreasing percentage chance (starting at 100%) of adding 10% more Hit to the weapon in question each time, to a maximum of 50% Hit.

Exchanging Photon Crystals
Cost Success Rate Total Hit
1 100% 10
2 80% 20
3 60% 30
4 40% 40
5 20% 50

The minimum amount of Photon Crystals a player must spend, therefore, is as follows:

  • 1 (1) Photon Crystal for 10% Hit;
  • +2 (3) for 20% Hit;
  • +3 (6) for 30% Hit;
  • +4 (10) for 40% Hit;
  • +5 (15) for 50% Hit

For a combined total of 15 Photon Crystals when all attempts are successes. The probability of succeeding on each increment in only one try is 3.84%. The average number of Photon Crystals required to reach 50 Hit is 42.5.

To unlock this option, the player must follow these steps:

  • Start the quest Quest icon.png9-5:The Chosen (1/2);
  • Proceed through the quest as normal until the large, circular crater room in Desert 1;
  • In this room, all enemies must be defeated within five minutes of entering the room;
  • If done successfully, a cutscene will play showing Dr. Montague appearing, who must be spoken to;
  • Proceed to the end of the quest as normal, and speak to Dr. Montague a second time in the last room before heading back to Pioneer 2


Enemy Drops

Section ID Difficulty Enemy Drop Rate
Viridia Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Zu 1/394
Ultimate Yowie 1/759
Greenill Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Goran Detonator 1/266
Ultimate Satellite Lizard 1/853
Skyly Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Ultimate Satellite Lizard 1/853
Bluefull Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Ba Boota 1/731
Yowie 1/350
Ultimate Satellite Lizard 1/853
Purplenum Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Yowie 1/350
Ultimate Yowie 1/759
Pinkal Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Ultimate Yowie 1/759
Redria Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa A 1/843
Ultimate Satellite Lizard 1/853
Oran Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Ultimate Yowie 1/759
Yellowboze Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Zu 1/394
Ultimate Satellite Lizard 1/853
Whitill Normal Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Hard Pazuzu (Rare) 1/2
Dorphon Eclair (Rare) 1/2
Merissa AA (Rare) 1/2
Very Hard Dorphon 1/197
Ultimate Yowie 1/759

Box Drops

Section ID Difficulty Area Drop Rate
All Very Hard All E4 Maps 1/1638
Ultimate All E4 Maps 1/1638

Wandering Tekker

Main article: Coren
Day Meseta Rate
Sunday 10,000 1/337.5
100,000 1/225
Monday 10,000 1/421.88
100,000 1/281.25
Tuesday 10,000 1/331.25
100,000 1/220.83
Wednesday 10,000 1/321.88
100,000 1/214.58
Thursday 10,000 1/428.13
100,000 1/285.42
Friday 10,000 1/390.63
100,000 1/260.42
Saturday 10,000 1/371.88
100,000 1/247.92
